Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Life as we know it...

Always changing. Never predictable. Sometimes boring, but never for long.

So here's an update from the Glad family.

As for Brian's car, it ended up costing over $900 to fix, and then as he drove it away was still broken. He took it to someone else, who charged us only $340 for more work than the other place had done and we thought it was all fixed. Not so. The mechanic told us our best choice would be to sell it. But how do you sell a car that you know is going to break down on the buyer? I don't know.

Luckily, we had been surviving driving only one car for the week it was in the shop, so we know we can still do that. It'd probably be smarter anyway, to save on gas. And, in some of the best news recently, we won't have to worry about even that much longer either.

A couple days ago, we received an email saying our name had been reached on the waiting list for the student apartments, and if we chose, we could have an apartment to move into November 6th. We immediately replied yes, and it is now official. We are moving!! Woohoo! This takes a major stress off of both of us, because we were wondering how much notice they would give us or if we'd have to go find somewhere else come the end of October. It's been really nice living in my grandparent's home, just because it's free, and comfortable and very nice. But it's also been hard just because it's far from school and work and family. We were always having to evaluate whether we could go visit on Sundays because we already were driving down every day of the week and using up our gas. Our new apartment is right next to campus, close enough for Brian to ride his bike, or take the shuttle, and it's by the freeway, which means 10 minutes to work for me. :) I'm so excited. It will also be nice just to have a place of our own. We can decorate and put up pictures and buy DI furniture. The whole shebang! :) I'll post pictures when we move in.

School is sort of calming down. Or at least we're almost getting the hang of it. Brian's still very very busy. He was at school from 9 to 5 on Saturday, and I was home, trying to get things done around the house while at the same time, trying to read two whole books and a bunch of excerpts from other readings. We'll get there. It's almost a good thing he has to stay late at school most night, because that forces me to read all my stuff instead of distracting myself with cleaning or laundry.

This last weekend, Brian's family went camping at their property again and invited us. We couldn't go the whole weekend though, because Brian had to work on a group project on Saturday and then Jason & Brooke blessed Lily on Sunday, which we also went to. That was a lot of fun to see everyone. Sunday night though, we drove down to Fairview to camp over night with them. We got down there around 6:30 and after dinner, Brian's brother Nathan wanted to go biking with Brian and his cousin Jason. So they hopped on their bikes and went off. It's a long story as to why, but I didn't feel all that great about Brian going biking when it was starting to get dark, but they said it was a short ride and their dad was picking them up at the bottom anyway. So they left. About 30 minutes later, their dad came squealing into camp and jumped out of the car yelling for their mom. Nathan had been zooming down the trail at 30 mph and a deer had jumped out in front of him. So he slammed on his brakes and dropped on his side and skid for about 20 feet. His arms and legs were all torn up and his side that he skid on had a big hole in it about the size of a quarter. It wasn't bleeding profusely or swollen, but he was shaking pretty bad from the shock. The boys gave him a blessing and his parents took him to the nearest ER.

It was pretty scary for all of us, and Brian's brothers were especially shook up. We all went to bed expecting that they would take Nathan home and come back for us in the morning. But at 2 AM they came back and we all had to wake up and rearrange sleeping because Nathan could not be bumped. They said by the time they got to the main road he'd stopped shaking and was talking and making jokes, and by the time they got to the hospital he was dead asleep. They cleaned out the wounds and put some glue & medicine in them, but they couldn't stitch them up because the skin was completely gone. Not just torn, but gone. So they put him on Lortab and he'll have a pretty good scar.

Needless to say, we were very tired when we got home. I'm still not a big fan of camping. Brian says it makes me grumpy. Yet he keeps insisting that we go. Go figure.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Adam had a similar problem with is car and was stuck in the same moral dilemma. He finally decided to trade it in. When you trade it in, they have their mechanics inspect it so they can decide how much it is worth. He was able to buy a new car with the amount they gave him. Just a thought.