Thursday, December 6, 2007

Last Day of School!!

Yesterday was my last day of school for the semester. I am so extremely happy. I had three tests this week. One Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. But I did well on all of them I think. I am lucky enough not to have any finals next week, so I'm truly done. I think I've done really well in all of my classes, which is always a great feeling. Only two more semesters to go and then I'll graduate! Finally! I'm definitely spoiling myself with some big graduation gift (if Brian doesn't do it first). This has taken forever, but I'm almost there.

Brian is done with classes today, but still has his final two projects. One is due Sunday by midnight and the other is due next Thursday. So while I will be at home relaxing he will still be slaving away this week. But at least we've made it! We got through this first semester! Others have said that the program gets progressively easier with each semester so maybe spring will be nicer. Hopefully.

My favorite part about winter break is all the free time I'll finally have. Given, I'll still be working full time, but still. My boss actually takes it easy towards the end of the year, because he's already met his goals, and it's a little difficult to get people to invest money in life insurance or Roth IRAs when they're spending all their money on gifts. :) So he takes off about two whole weeks at the end of the year, and I'm free to come in or not come in whenever I want. Granted, I don't earn money if I'm not here, so I'll still be coming in, but I can take off a few days and not miss a lot.

I'm looking forward to finishing decorating my house with Christmas stuff and pictures. I can finish Brian's stocking. I can finish (start) my Christmas shopping. I can start making all the traditional Christmas treats. And mostly I can spend some more time with Brian. And our families. But mostly Brian. :) I'm excited to spend our first Christmas together.

Just in quick update to the last post, they did catch the guy and things seem to be OK now. Except they have 24 hr security around the building. Which makes me feel better and yet not at the same time. Owell. Only one more week and Brian won't be spending so much time there for a while.

It is the start of the Christmas party season. We have one tonight and two tomorrow. I love family Christmas parties. I love my family, both of them, and spending time with them is great. One thing I will miss this year is having my little sister here for Christmas Eve. We've now begun the trading years for holidays thing so this year we had Thanksgiving with our family and Christmas with the In Laws. So she'll be down in St. George. :( I feel so lucky that Brian's & my families live within a mile of each other, so even though we'll be spending Christmas morning with his family, we can still go visit my family later in the day.

Also, hopefully now that I'll be finishing the decorating, I can get some pictures up here. I'll try. :)

1 comment:

Natalie Loris said...

I'll miss you too! It doesn't feel like Christmas here! no snow... never thought I'd miss it.