Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, we're now in 2008. Has everyone made their resolutions? Hopefully we've all made realistic ones and hopefully we accomplish them.

Brian & I spent New Year's Eve with my family. We went out to dinner and then came back and watched Bourne Ultimatum. I'm not a huge blow-things-up-kill-the-bad-guys kind of movie person, but it was ok. Brian loved it. Then around 11:30, my whole family went to bed! Can you believe it?! So Brian & my one brother Brad & I ushered in the new year at midnight and then we went home and went to bed. New Years is fun but not my favorite holiday, so I wasn't too upset that we didn't do more.

We spent the next day basically doing nothing, which was nice. Although we did set our goals for the new year. I'm not posting them here so that if they aren't accomplished, no one can give me a hard time or even know about it. :)

In some wonderful news to start the new year off with, MY BEST FRIEND IS PREGNANT!!! It is the most exciting thing. I am so happy for her. We've been best friends since the 4th grade and it's almost like I'm going to be an aunt. :) Very happy. And she's the first of my friends to have one, so that's also exciting.

So Congratulations to Val & Matt! And Happy New Year to everyone else!

1 comment:

Annie said...

So when is it going to be Brian and Melissa's turn? :)