Monday, March 31, 2008


I thought this looked kinda fun, and I really don't have anything new to post anyway. So here goes:

List 16 things about yourself, goals, dislikes, or whatever.

1. It has taken me a little over 5 years to finish college, but come August I'll be done!

2. I have known my husband for over 7 years and I love him more every day.

3. I've been married twice, so when I tell my husband he's the best husband ever, I feel guilty that he'll think I'm comparing him, even though I'm not.

4. I like to go shopping if I have money to do so. If I don't you can't get me anywhere near a mall.

5. I didn't like to buy tall shoes before I got married, but Brian thinks I look sexy in them, so we go shoe shopping together, which I think is great.

6. Brian likes shopping for me more than I do.

7. I wish I were more crafty than I am. I want to work more on my digital scrapbooking once I graduate and start up cross-stitch things and even make knit beanies for premie's at the local hospitals. I have lots of crafty goals that I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing.

8. I hate that my house isn't decorated still. We've lived there 5 months and have hardly anything on the walls. This goes back to my crafty goals, but I want to have a cute house.

9. My husband comes from an immediate and extended family of mostly boys, so everyone keeps saying we'll probably only have boys. I desperately want a girl.

10. I want a baby more than I can explain to anyone. I know that we've only been married a year, and I'm still not done with school, and Brian still has at least 5 more years left of his schooling, so we "should" wait, but I really want one. I try to explain this desire away by the fact that we've known each other for so long, so it seems like "it's time" but in all honesty, I want to be pregnant and have a baby.

11. In the past 6 months, every time I find out that someone I know is pregnant, even though I am truly THRILLED for them, I cry.

12. I'm so excited to be done with school, because then I'll have more time to devote to my writing. I want to write a novel or novels someday, so why not start now?

13. Some people get cravings for food, for a TV show, for clothes, for shoes.... I get cravings to write. It just hits me and I want to write anything. The feeling of pen to paper is best, but even just typing on a computer works. Right now I don't have the time to write, not even in my journal, so I resort to making lists or writing letters to missionaries.

14. I am currently writing in my 20th journal.

15. During my divorce, a lot of people told me stories of friends that fell away from the church when they got a divorce. This thought never even entered my mind. Without my faith and family I never would've made it through. I attribute my deep faith to the faith of my parents. They taught me to be so strong and faithful, so when things like that happen, I know where I can always turn.

16. I truly believe that Brian is the best husband ever and he is my blessing after the trial. He washes dishes, cleans the house, takes out the garbage and even helps make dinner sometimes, all because I'm struggling to make it through these last 2 semesters. He looks at me every day in a way that lets me know how deeply in love with me he is and he does small things all the time to show me as well. I know that we're meant to be together, and I've known it since high school.

I tag anyone else that wants to do this. Have fun!


Jason and Jessica Bills said...

I learned a lot about you here. I can't believe that you are in your 20th journal. That is like one a year since you could start writing anything. I do understand that desire to have a baby...and I can't wait until you have a baby. I hope that you can have a baby soon. And you need to have a girl so we can set up an arranged marriage :)

I love your header. It is really cute. I love that alpha you used for "family"

Crystal said...

I loved reading about you. I felt like I knew you pretty well, but I feel like reading those things made us closer friends! I am so glad that you are so willing to share! I thought it was crazy that you are on your 20th journal, but then I think about it, and I probably have close to that many too! I love to write in my journal! I know that desire to have a baby - which is most of the reason why we didn't wait! It has been hard at times to finish school, but I did it, and Josh is done this month! So it can be done! :) Oh, I love you guys! I am so happy that you two are so in love! We always knew Brian would find a catch! :)

Crystal :)

Lisa Wahlin said...

Are you sure you WANT to be pregnant? If I were you I would skip the pregnancy stuff and just have a baby! With our genes I am not so sure pregnancy will be a breeze, but I guess you will never know unless you try it out. You will make a great mother someday whenever your time comes. I miss hanging out with you. You guys are so wonderful. I love you both!