Thursday, July 17, 2008


I never thought I would be so excited over carpet, but when you've lived without it, you realize how great it is. Our entire apartment has tile floors. Living room, bedroom, everywhere. Now, for the kitchen and the bathroom that's not so bad, but it really stinks to have tile floors in the bedroom, especially in the winter when you get out of bed. Very cold toes.

So anyway, my cousin & her husband recently bought a home & decided to redo the carpet. They generously offered us their old carpet. Granted, it's an old design and there's no pad underneath, but I absolutely love it! It really changes the feel of our house. I helped Brian put it in the bedroom on Tuesday night and then last night he put it in the living room. We cleaned everything up and moved it all back and now it looks great.

On a school note, I still hate it. I hate that I have to keep going even though there's only 2 weeks left. And actually I really don't mind my English classes, there's only 2 left. But my Spanish class is going to kill me. I'm really worried I won't pass, just because it's a huge fear that I'll have to do it again. But another reason is because it messes up my plans. My best friend is pregnant. The only shower I thought I was going to be able to attend is on Monday night. I was going to miss Spanish to go to it, but I found out tonight that I definitely cannot miss Monday night. So I have to miss her shower. It's her first baby and I won't have been to any showers for her. Totally sucks. I just started crying after class because the stress of everything and then feeling like a bad friend.

I've felt like such a bad wife this summer because I'm never around to do anything for Brian or dinner or around the house. And then adding this on top, I'm now a bad friend. I just have to make it through two more weeks. 6 more days of classes. I don't know if I'll make it. Though I probably will, and I'll just have a nervous breakdown at the end.


Wolfley Family said...

That's great about the carpet! Just in case you're not aware - even our apartments that do come with carpet don't have any padding, either... but it's sure nice to not step on cold tile in the morning, isn't it? About your friend - maybe you could do something with her on a different day. Maybe you could make a date to go out together for lunch or dinner or an activity before the baby's born....

Roods said...

The carpet looks great in there. I'm glad that it worked for you guys.

Annie said...

Shame on you! You're not a bad's called life and the ones that loveyou (husband and friends) understand. Unfortunately that's what happens when you grow up.... life gets in the way sometimes. Hang in there though you are almost done and the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight!