Friday, August 22, 2008

Last week of Summer

Well, life's been really good now that school's out & I passed all my classes. It seems like we've still been busy even though we haven't done much. I'm just enjoying the time reading and relaxing and not worrying about homework or starting school on Monday. It is kind of weird to be done though. You work for so long to reach this goal, and then when you finish, you don't really know what to do next. But luckily, I'm still working and as soon as Brian goes back to school and I'm a "Architect Widow" I'll have to find even more things to fill my time.

Brian & I had a FHE recently where we wrote down a few goals, and made a chart to track our progress. I'm not posting the chart, because it's kind of sad how much we still need to work on, but we're getting there.

One of our goals is to have a date night each week, because I really want to start this habit now, so that when we have kids we can try to keep it up. Last weekend Brian took me out to dinner at Winger's and then we rented a movie & came home to watch it. In our court, there are always bikes and toys left out on the playground. I guess Brian was in a silly mood, so here's what he decided to do.

He made sure to be safe though, and wore his helmet & gloves. :) I love my silly husband.

In other news, I was sick on Monday, so I called into work & said I couldn't come in. When I went back on Tuesday, my boss asked me how I was feeling and I said better. Then the look he gave me makes me think that he believes I'm pregnant. (I'm not, by the way.) But I think this is his biggest fear now that I'm graduated. His last secretary left when she got pregnant, and he was stranded. It was just kind of funny to see him try and be positive but still look way worried. I guess I'll have to watch how many sick days I take from now on so he doesn't get the wrong idea. :)

Also, this Sunday is my first Sunday teaching Gospel Doctrine. I'm freaking out! I'm so nervous. And we have to talk in Sacrament Meeting, and the choir is singing this Sunday so I have to play for that as well. Man, when they ask us to do something, they ask us to do everything. :) Hopefully everything will go ok.

Good luck to everyone out there going back to school!

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