Monday, October 13, 2008

Work & Play

I just wanted to make mention that last Friday, the 10th, marked 3 years I've been at my current job. I can't believe it's been that long. Time has just flown by. I know I complain about my job a lot, mostly because I'd rather be doing other things than sitting at a desk all day, but I do enjoy it most of the time. I love that I'm full time finally, so that I'm more on top of what's going on. I love that I am efficient at what I do, and I love that my boss is so appreciative of me being here. It's a really flexible job with really good pay and I'm very lucky to have it.

This last Friday, Brian & I spent the night at his parent's house, watching his younger brothers while his parents went to an overnight retreat for work. We had pizza and watched Iron Man, which Brian had been dying to see. I actually liked it OK as well. Then in the morning we had breakfast and smoothies and watched Iron Man again. :)

Brian then went to work around 12, and I drove up to Kaysville to hang out with my friend Heather. We're finally caught up on our Grey's watching, but unfortunately I'll be out of town again this week, so we'll have to catch up when I get back.

I got home around 4:30 and Brian did too. The shop was really slow because it was all rainy and gloomy, so he only worked 2 hours. Then he went to his cousin's bike shop and hung out there for a couple hours. :)

Brian's been a little sick lately, just cough mostly. So we decided to just stay home and chill together. I really should've cleaned my house, but I decided that cuddling with Brian was more important because it made him feel better. :)

Yesterday we woke up to SNOW!! I couldn't believe it. A good 3 or 4 inches. Although I do not like the cold, the snow does make me excited for Christmas. So I turned on my Christmas music while I got ready.

My best friend Val, and her husband Matt, blessed their first baby Joey yesterday. And they asked Brian to help. So we headed down to Sandy to be there for them. Joey was adorable, and I got to hold him for a few minutes before they blessed him. Matt did a really good job and got a little choked up. Very sweet. After the meeting we headed back to their house for food really quickly, and then had to head back to our ward. We missed Sacrament meeting, but made it to Sunday School, which was good, because I was teaching.

I was really nervous once again, but Brian said I did fine. I got lots of compliments and this time I was able to make it through all my material and still had good participation. I hope it gets easier as I go along. It's better than the first time though, so at least that's something. And now we have one new teacher at least, so I only have to teach every third week. :)

After church we headed back to Matt & Val's and hung out with them a little more. I got to hold Joey again, which I love, and he must love me too, because he waited until I gave him back to mom & dad to spit up on them. :)

This week is Fall Break for Brian, so he doesn't have any classes. He really needs this break, though it won't be too much of a break. He has to get a portfolio put together for his Grad School applications. So he'll be working on that all week. But we are planning a little vacation this weekend. We're heading down to St. George this weekend, & his two cousins are coming too. We're going to stay with my sister & brother-in-law & the boys are going to go riding, while me and Nat pamper ourselves. She's already set up a hair appointment for Saturday, and then we'll go shopping until the boys are done riding. :) Brian said they'll ride fast. :) I'm way excited. I need a break too. It's also UEA for everyone else in the state, so my whole extended family will be down there too. We'll probably spend some time with them too.

Tonight we're going to dinner with some friends to a Venezuelan restaurant. Both Brian and Landon served their missions in Venezuela and Brian's always told me about some of the food he really loved there (and the food that was totally disgusting). I'm a little nervous, but we'll see how it goes. :)

1 comment:

Matt and Marci said...

You're coming to St. George? How fun! Maybe I'll actually get to see you for a second or so this time.... Happy to hear you and Brian and doing well!