Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Letter

Because I am a procrastinator and didn't get our letter ready soon enough, I'm just going to post it on here. Maybe one of these years I'll actually get one mailed out. Enjoy!

January – Brian started his second semester of the Architecture program. I also started school again with the craziest schedule yet. Class for 1 hour, work for 2 hours, class for 2 hours, work for 2 hours. We received callings to be Primary Children’s Representatives, and started visiting the Medical Center every couple weeks. I was also called to be the Ward Choir Pianist. As a result of this, Brian joined the choir.

February – Brian received a new calling as Executive Secretary. It keeps him really busy trying to juggle school and keeping everything in the ward organized, but it does help us get to know the new couples faster than most.

March – We celebrated our 1 year anniversary! Time has just flown by and now we’re coming up on 2 years already, but we love every second of it. School continued on as usual, with Brian enjoying it more and more, even though it was stressful, and I enjoying it less and less, mostly because of Spanish.

April – Brian received the Kennecott Scholarship for $6,000. Woohoo! This pays for all of his tuition for the 2008-09 school year. This has been a huge blessing for us. Brian and I survived Finals Week and Brian could finally take a breather over the summer to prepare for school in the fall.

May – Brian and I both turned 24. I walked in the graduation ceremony even though I wasn’t quite finished with classes. Brian started working full-time at a bike shop, and I started summer semester.

June – Lots of family BBQ’s and get-togethers. I finished the first half of my summer classes only to add even more for the last half, including the dreaded Spanish. We went to Bear Lake with the Walker family. Brian became the Ward Bike Specialist and started fixing everyone’s bikes in front of our apartment. He only charged a pint of Ben & Jerry’s “Half Baked” ice cream, which I promptly ate. We also decided on a family motto: “Glad you’re Here, Glad to Help”.

July – We went down to St. George for the 4th of July. We got carpet for our apartment, thanks to Bendi! We attended the bi-annual Barlow Family Reunion, which was in Park City this year. It was great to see all those we don’t get to see all the time. Brian sold both of his old bikes, and bought/assembled a new one. He still loves it. (Let’s hope that lasts.) I was also called to be Gospel Doctrine teacher. Thankfully the bishop let me wait until I finished with school to actually start teaching. And on the last day of July, I finished college!!

August – I celebrated being done with school by reading all four Twilight books in one week. Brian also took me shopping, and I changed my hair color and got my nails done. Brian started back to school for his last year of his Bachelor’s degree. I started working full-time.

September – I attended the annual Girl’s Weekend my mom and sisters and I have started since two daughters are now married. We went to St. George this year, and the boys also came down to have their own Boy’s Weekend, consisting of continuous mountain biking. Brian also participated in his first bike race ever, as well as it being a road race, which he’d never done before either. He did really well & I loved cheering him on.

October – Brian really got going on school projects and his hours started to get later. We did manage to squeeze one quick trip to St. George in there for Fall Break and I changed my hair, again.

November – After living in our apartment for one whole year, we finally got around to decorating. It looks even better than when we started but I’m never quite satisfied and keep trying to come up with projects to make it better. Brian helped solve the problem of no shelf space by designing a shelf for the bathroom that is completely dependent on gravity and not attached to the wall. It’s amazing!

December – Brian finished the year off strong with getting less and less sleep as finals week drew to a close. It’s paid off though as he did well on all his tests and projects. I continue to enjoy not being in school and not having to write final papers, ever. Brian is now working on applying to Graduate School. We love our ward and our neighbors and hope to be able to stay here at the U for another couple years.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Matt and Marci said...

It's kinda a fun to read what your year was like in a nutshell... and I love that picture of you and Brian!

Trina said...

I love your family motto, it's great! Sounds like you had a great year!

The Earley's said...

Wow, your family had a busy year! I'm so happy that you are doing so well!!

Annie said...

don't feel bad I did NONE of my cards this year. I like to think that nobody noticed but............. oh well next year I'll have more to write about in my Christmas letter... just wasn't motivated this year.