Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finals, Parties, and More

Here are a few more pictures of Brian's final project. These are the renderings he has to do to show more detail. (Can you find Iron Man? Look closely.)

From the inside looking out.

The Tower.

The whole building.

Brian is officially finished with finals! He had two tests on Monday and one more little assignment due and his is done! We went out to lunch to celebrate.

Sunday we went to my grandparent's house for their Christmas party. We had great food and fun times as always. Here are the traditional pictures of the cousins with their presents.
The Girls: McKenna, Aubrey, Dani, Sarah, (Nat - not pictured), Brittany, (Marci - Not pictured), Wendi, Me. We got Bracelet/Watches.

The Boys: Brandon, Parker, (Austin - Not Pictured), Brad, Taylor, (McKay - Not Pictured), Chris, (Wade - Not Pictured), (Brendyn - On a Mission), Phil, Brian, Ben. They got Axe Deordorant for the younger ones, and Screwdrivers for the older ones.

We also gave Grandma & Grandpa Walker a photo book that I helped my mom put together. We gathered pictures from all the families of Christmases through the years. My Grandma made costumes for us when we were younger & we would dress up as the Nativity scene. We've since outgrown them, but it's a fond memory we all have. Now they have all the pictures together in one place & they seemed really happy to have it.

On a different note, I made pumpkin pie for the first time ever this weekend. I was a little worried about how it would turn out because for a while there it didn't seem to look quite right. I blame most of it on the fact that my oven is about 2 feet tall and 1 1/2 feet wide and doesn't cook quite hot enough, but they finally turned out. :)

They taste really good and I can't stop eating them. Maybe next year I'll attempt to make my own crusts. One step at a time... I also should probably give one away so we don't eat so much, because they can't be that healthy. But they just taste so darn good. I love pumpkin pie!

We also attended my little brother's first choir concert last night. Brighton had it's annual Holiday concert and Brad is in the A Capella choir this year. He looked a little nervous, and rightly so, as he only had about 2-3 weeks to learn the songs. But they did a good job. And as always, they invited the choir alumni to come up & sing the last two songs with the choir. They're songs they learn every year, so we should all know them. I've never been good at memorizing, so I was not quite belting them out, but we had a lot of fun. We got to see a few people we went to school with and got to say high to the choir director. He's now directed almost all of my siblings, with one more on the way. He just keeps teasing all of them that they're "almost" as loud as me, but not quite. We had a great time, and I love that I get to do those things with Brian, because we were both in choir together.

This week is kind of a catch up week for Brian. He gets to catch up on sleep, and relax, and work on his portfolio for Grad school applications. I think he's enjoying it so far. Hopefully we'll be able to get some shopping done for the rest of our Christmas gifts this week as there are only 8 days until Christmas! I'm so excited. My little sister and her husband will be here on Wednesday and then we get to spend the whole day getting ready for the big Christmas Eve party. Yay!!


Kat said...

Hey! Sorry I forgot to call you on Monday...obviously we didn't come, and i'm not sure you'll get this but i don't have your number with me. I'll call you when I'm home from work just in case, but can we still come by tonight around 7:30ish?

Shae said...

Those pictures are awesome! Although, I couldn't find Iron Man...but maybe I didn't know what I was looking for! :) Finals are always nice to have over, huh?!

Matt and Marci said...

Oh I'm always sad to miss the Walker Family Parties. I heard that there were a lot of cousins missing this year...did G&G love the book?

P.S. your pumpkin pie looks like a picture out of a magazine..yummy!

Matt and Marci said...

Oh and I think you should post your chocolate chip cookie pie recipe on your blog and share the calories!

Natalie Loris said...

I'm coming up Tuesday!!!! Maybe even Monday night depending on if I can hitch a ride with someone else because Adam has to work Tuesday night. We'll see...