Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Goals for 2009

Read the Doctrine & Covenants with Brian. Along with being able to participate more in Gospel Doctrine, this will hopefully help me be more prepared for my own lessons.

Be more organized with my day. I find myself exhausted at the end of my work day, even when I haven't done much. I hope that by setting out an almost hour by hour schedule of what I should be doing, it'll keep me motivated to get more done.

Read the Book of Mormon. I want to do this for my own personal scripture study. In a recent conference talk we were reminded to not read the Book of Mormon every four years as it comes around in the church curriculum.

Read the Ensign each month. It's not that long of a magazine and the articles are really great.

Have a better attitude about my job. With the way the economy is, and with lots of people losing their jobs or not being able to find them, I need to be more grateful for the one I have. It's really flexible, my boss appreciates me, and it pays well enough to support our family while Brian is in school.

Get in shape. People might be inclined to think that just because I look skinny that I am in shape. Oh how wrong that is. I am so out of shape and get exhausted doing not very much. So I want to work hard at just getting healthier. Having the Wii Fit is already helping me with this goal.

Say morning & evening prayers. We tend to get in this rhythm of saying one or the other, but I want to try hard to do both every day.

Clean my house more often. It's only 450 sq. ft. for goodness sake! I should be able to clean the whole thing once a week. I've separated the things to be done into 6 different areas. I will tackle one area each night after work, so it doesn't seem like such a huge job to do all in one day.

Write something each day. Whether that means in my journal, on this blog, or actually writing something that might someday be published, I need to write!

Try to be kinder in thoughts, words, and deeds. I sometimes find myself being overly critical of those around me or even of myself. I need to remember that we are all children of God and should love each other as He loves us.

**I hesitate to write these down because I hate to fail at something, but I hate it even more when people know that I've failed. But maybe having it out there will help remind me to do better.

And I just need to remember, we don't have to be perfect, but we should be trying to do better each day.


The Earley's said...

Those are really great goals! You are so lucky that you have a Wii Fit. I'm still trying to talk Mike into buying me one.

Trina said...

Those are some great ideas. I need to be better at keeping my house clean and getting in shape is a constant battle!