Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Long Weekend

Well we started off the weekend going to dinner with my parents and brother Friday night. My mom also informed me that Nat and her husband got 5 tickets to the Draper Temple Open House for Feb. 20th, so they're coming up from St. George that weekend, and we get to go with them. And Phil. :) I'm excited.

Saturday we had the fun opportunity to take our car into the shop once again. Yes, the very same car that we had to get a whole new engine for this last summer. The "check engine" light came on about a week before but he doesn't drive the car that much and didn't have time to take it in until this weekend. So we drove out to the mechanic that replaced the engine (on 27th S. & 27th W.) and he did a couple tests. I had also driven because we didn't know if we'd need to leave the car there. He finally reset the light and said it was the Catalytic Converter, and that the whole problem may be that it's just too cold, so it doesn't think it's working properly. I don't understand completely, but owell. He said drive it a few more days, if it turns on again we need to bring it back in for some more tests.

Shortly after getting home and then leaving again to go to the store, it turned on again.

The mechanic said it should be OK to drive as long as the light is not flashing. If it starts flashing we are to pull over immediately and get out of the car. How reassuring. I'm getting kind of sick of all the problems we've had with this car. My Jeep is older and sounds like it's falling apart and the only problem we've had with this is something to do with a belt and we fixed that ourselves. (Well my father-in-law did, for which I'm eternally grateful.) But I don't want to sell it because we still have a lot to pay off on it and I don't know if we'd get any profit on it. We'll figure it out though.

The one good thing on Saturday though was that Brian got a call from work saying he didn't have to come in. It's a bike shop. It's winter. They have 1 customer per 2 hours. So that was nice for us.

After taking the car in we went to help our friends Matt & Val move into their new/first home. Well, the car stuff took so long that we missed the moving part, but we did get a tour of their new house and then went to lunch with them at Zupa's. If you haven't been there, you should go. I love it!

Then we went home and did some grocery shopping and then Brian had to go into school to do Bishopric stuff and I did laundry. Exciting I know.

Sunday was my first time teaching for this year. I was pretty excited all week long because the lesson was about Joseph Smith and the First Vision. But then of course, come Sacrament Meeting, I was a nervous wreck. But I think the lesson went well. I had lots of comments from people and I love that! Then I know that I'm at least getting through to someone.

After church we went over to some friends' apartment and played games with them and another couple. We had a blast! I love to just get out of our apartment, and especially to hang out with other couples. I always want to invite people over, but I feel like our place isn't big enough for more than one other couple. I guess no one's is. :) But it was fun nonetheless.

Oh, I also got a book recommendation for Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling. I've already reserved it at the library & I'm going to get it tonight. Anyone else read this? Any thoughts?

Yesterday, even though it was a day off from school and work, Brian still had to go into school for most of the day. I thought it would only be a few hours, but I forget how much they have to do sometimes, & Brian likes to stay ahead of things so he doesn't get more stressed later. So I spent most of the day folding laundry and watching Gilmore Girls, and cross-stitching. I know, I'm lazy. But I enjoyed my day off from work.

When Brian got home we did our Wii Fit workout. We haven't been perfect at it, but we've done pretty good. I'm not as sore afterwards as I used to be, so I count that as progress. :) I've also been able to up the reps on certain exercises so I think that counts for something too.

Then we went to Training Table for dinner. I know, all that hard work down the drain because of Ranch Burgers and Cheese Fries. They're too hard to resist though. :)

Then we came home, watched one TV show & went to bed. Ahh, the exciting life of the Glads.

This morning, Brian didn't have his first class, because the teacher believes that Inauguration Day should be a holiday as well. I happen to agree. Especially because I had to come into work and I can't get the speech to come up on my computer so I missed it. :( I'll have to watch it later.

That's all that's going on with us. Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday weekend!


Trina said...

Sounds like you had fun! That's the best part about working out, you get to eat not so healthy stuff and not feel guilty! I tell Corey that's why I exercise everyday so I can eat more stuff!

Wolfley Family said...

If you ever need a really good mechanic (who's extremely honest & fair) or just want another opinion, check out MasterTech Auto at 1717 S State St :) Bummer about your Jeep - I used to own one and can relate to those repairs! ~ J