Monday, January 26, 2009

Uno on Crack, babysitting, etc.

In trying to be better about writing more often, I find it harder and harder to come up with interesting titles. So, that explains that. Moving on.

This weekend was a pretty good one. To begin with, it rained. Some may not see this as good, but I do. I love the rain. I love the rain more when it's hot outside, but I'll take it when it's cold outside and the rain means it's actually warmer. :) And it melts the snow.

Friday night we went out with some old friends of mine from Logan. I'm sad to say, I have no pictures. Owell. My friend Richard came down to Salt Lake because he was meeting his fiance (yay!) so they could spend time together since she lives in Provo right now. Of course, I insisted that we meet her. :) So we went to Chili's along with our friend Matt.

I totally loved her! I'm so happy that he's found someone so great. They're getting married in April in St. George. I don't know how she'll survive in Logan if she's from St. George, but I guess love is worth freezing your toes off everyday. :)

After dinner we went back to Matt's house and played Ultimate Uno. It's basically Uno on Crack. :) It's pretty fast moving and has lots of fun tricks to it. I loved it. And I tied Matt for winning the most times. Brian came in second and poor Richard didn't win once. :( But we had a good time. I hadn't seen him since my wedding reception so I was happy we got together.

Saturday we got a call early that Brian didn't have to go to work, so that was nice. He hasn't been feeling well this week, just sore all over. I think he's fighting getting a cold. And then he needed to catch up on the sleep he hasn't be getting. So he rested while I did laundry. We were then going to go to the store, but a lady I visit teach needed me to watch her kids for a few hours. She's sick too and just needed to get some rest. So we brought her two little boys over (1 1/2 and 5 months) and had fun with them. The 5-month-old slept most of the time and was content to watch his brother play the rest of the time. The 1 1/2 yr-old was energetic. :) Brian was mostly in charge of entertaining him. To do this he had him spin the tires on his bike and then showed him how to use the brake. Then he showed him how to let the air out of the tire. (It makes a cool noise and feeling when the air comes rushing out.) After only a couple of times pumping the tire back up, Brian soon came to regret that teaching. He left the tire flat after that. :) I told Brian that'll have to be something I teach our kids how to do. ;) Just kidding!

After their dad came to pick them up we did make a quick trip to the store to get groceries for the week. One of my goals is to be better at making dinner each night, and planning ahead. So I plan the meals Saturday morning and then we go shopping. Yesterday we spent only $40. I was pretty happy. I know I could probably do better, but I'm still working on it. This helps us not to eat out as much as well as gives us lunches for the days after.

Sunday it snowed! Boo! I was hoping to skip over the rest of winter and get to spring. Owell. In church the choir performed and I loved being able to actually sing instead of play the piano like always. (Did I mention I was released as choir pianist?)

After church I had a Stake Sunday School Training Meeting. It was so good! I took lots of notes and there was some really good discussion. I was even the first to ask a question during the discussion portion because no one else was stepping up. I enjoyed it.

After the meeting Brian went Home teaching, by himself, and then our home teachers came over. And then finally at 7:00 we got to have dinner. Brian was definitely "church-ed out". (He starts church at 10 because he has meetings before our 1:00 block.)

We ended our nice, mostly relaxing weekend with chocolate shakes. I love chocolate shakes! I know, snowing outside, but I'd eat ice cream anytime!

All in all, it was a good weekend. I hated to see it come to a close this morning.


Amy said...

You two are so cute :). I loved the fun college days of being newlyweds. Sounds like a fun weekend.

Natalie Loris said...

Uno on crack? Seriously... That is so great about Richard! What is his fiance's name? I love you! Let me know what your weekly menus are please- I need help.

Lydja said...

Whose kids were they? Anyone I know?