Thursday, January 8, 2009

"We would like to play"

We have a Wii!!

And a Wii Fit!

That was Brian's job this week, since he had no school and I had to go back to work full-time. Find a Wii. :) And he came through! After many phone calls, and much searching, he finally found the Wii Fit first, and after a wonderful suggestion by our friend Jaime, he found the Wii!

I was so happy. I came right home after work on Tuesday and we started to play. We did a little work out just to test out how the Wii Fit works, and then we played the regular Wii Sports games. We did some Boxing, which I totally rock at. I probably look like a spaz doing it, and my calves get most of the work out because I'm jumping up and down the whole time. :) And then we did some bowling, which I totally dominated the first game, and then Brian got the hang of it the second game and whomped me. Then we played tennis and I lost miserably. I guess we can see that I don't do so well at hitting smaller objects that are flying at my head. I'm better at hitting and throwing large objects. :)

We had a lot of fun though, and did another work out last night. Brian used to say that he didn't think you could get a real work out using the Wii Fit, but he now takes that back. We were starting to sweat last night doing some of the things they have on there. I'm so excited. I mainly wanted the Wii Fit so I could get in better shape this year, and I hate to work out in front of other people. So now I have something I can do at home at my own pace. :)

If anyone ever wants to come over and play, just let us know. Wii love to play!!


Kat said...

Yes, please!

Shae said...

Wii want to come play! :) We don't have a wii...and the Wii Fit looks like so much fun. Besides that, it would be fun to get together sometime. last night, Nate and I were driving up in Logan around campus...and we saw a girl walking by Richards Hall, and I swear it was you! I guess even though we've all been gone for several years from there...we just expect to see the same people when we go back! haha