Thursday, October 21, 2010


So you know that scene, in Beauty & the Beast? The one where he shows her the library and says it's hers?

I totally get why she falls in love with him.

I would marry a scary beast just to have that library. (Only sort of joking.)

One day, I will have an awesome library. Or at least an awesome room full of bookshelves that I can escape to to read my books in peace and quiet.

A secret library. Even better.

For now I keep myself content using our lovely public library system. Which I am so grateful for.

Brian would kill me if I bought all the books I end up reading.

And it's not going to get any better.

I bought 3 new books in St. George at a used book store.

I have "inherited" at least half a dozen from my mom as she's cleaned out her stash.

Brian says I can't even go to the library until I finish those books I already have at home.

But that doesn't mean I can't keep adding to my list of books I want to read.

I have 178 books on my "to read" list.

I'm not even joking. Go ahead. Check that I'm telling the truth. I'm on there. You can find me.

(In fact you should find me if you're on there because that's how I end up adding even more to my list. I love seeing what everyone else is reading.)

That's how I find new genres that I never would have picked up before. Like "dystopian". Never heard of it before I read The Uglies. Now I love it.

But besides that, I also subscribe to lots of book blogs, which talk about all the new books coming out or that have come out, which I then have to add to my list.

Like these two.


I know I've got a problem.

It's how I'm ever going to find enough time in my lifetime to read all the books on my ever-growing list of "to read" books.


Unknown said...

How do you decide which books to read? I have a hard time deciding what to read when I go to a library or bookstore...

Melissa said...

That's why I like GoodReads. I can just look at my list and pick out a few and see if the library has them. That's also why it's not a bad thing to have a long list. If they don't have one, they have to have another. :)

Brian and Tonya said...

I so agree with you on the big library part. I was always so jealous of Belle for getting that huge library. Sigh, one day (or not, lol). Thanks for the good ideas. I'll need to borrow some of those books from the library and get reading.

Olsen Family said...

A huge library is part of my dream house as well, with super comfy couches. I hope Percy Jackson is on your list. It is so much fun. Well maybe you should wait until Brian is done and read it out loud. It is a great read aloud.

Becca Jane said...

Yay Melissa, welcome aboard!! So excited to read! Your blog is cute, I want to come back and take a look when I have more time!

Be sure to visit my blog periodically, because I'm hoping to post people's experiences! I am shocked at how many people have responded. Thank you!! And good luck...this is going to be awesome!

Amy said...

i love to read too!!! :) i signed up for a goodreads account and checked it a few times then got lazy for a while and when i went to get on it again it won't let me. :( i'm so bummed! i can't even create a new account... it won't let me. it says something about being timed out and then askes if i have cookies enabled. it's weird. you might need to do some more posts on books so i can have more ideas. :D i loved "the uglies" series and wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't put it on your goodreads list. same with the "goose girl" series. :D so... thanks! :D