Thursday, February 19, 2009

What I'm (Still) Reading...

I have come to realize that I am a fiction reader. I love the stories. I love plot twists and character interactions, and dialogue. So it goes to reason that I am not a big reader of non-fiction. Things like biographies. But I got a recommendation to read the biography of Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling. So I checked it out from the library.

Well it was due yesterday, and because I didn't want a late fee, I turned it in. But I'm only on Chapter 15! I had it for a month, but because I had a hard time getting into it, I didn't finish it. I really want to finish it though. Partly because I just want to finish what I started, and partly because it is kind of interesting. I need to finish the book to give my full review though.

Hmm... Maybe I'll start giving book reviews too, along with my recipes. :)

The point is, if anyone has a copy of this book that they ARE NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF READING, and are willing to lend it to me, I'd very much appreciate it. I'm a book lover, so I take really good care not to rip or bend or get anything on books that I borrow. :)

If not, it's OK. I'll just reserve it at the library again and start again in a month. :)

1 comment:

Cottam Family said...

I think that we are the same type of reader...I'm in need of some new books, any good suggestions?