Friday, July 20, 2007

Babysitters & Missionaries

This past week, Brian and I have been staying at my parents house because they're in Hawaii for their 25 year anniversary. Woohoo! So we are taking care of my siblings. They're really old enough to do most everything, except drive themselves places and make sure they eat healthy food on a regular schedule. :) That's what we're there for. It's been an adventure and as one of our family friends put it, "a good version of birth control." It has been fun though, just to spend time with them and hang out. It's also been nice because my parents house is so much closer to both of our jobs. So instead of a 30 minute ride to and from work, it's only 10. Very nice. Also, it's only about 1.5 miles to Brian's parents house. And, seeing as his brother left on his mission on Wednesday, we spent the first few nights over there doing family things.
Monday we went up the canyon and took family pictures. I was very excited to be included this time. It took a little while, but we finally got some done. I'll try and post them when I have copies.

Then Tuesday night, Derek was set apart as a missionary. We got to go over and be a part of that. It was a really cool experience to hear the testimonies of his parents, himself and the bishopric counselors and the stake president. It reminded me of when Brian left. I got to be there for when he was set apart and that was very cool (and hard) but the difference was that this time, I got to hug the missionary because I'm the sister (in law). I didn't get to hug Brian. :) It was really cool though, to be with them for that.

Wednesday morning we went over and had breakfast with his family because we couldn't go with them to the MTC. I think that was hard for Brian. But we ate and laughed and then said our goodbyes. He'll be a great missionary. We're both very proud of him.

Here are some pictures of Tuesday night:

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