Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I Survived!

This last weekend Brian's extended family had a reunion down in Fairview, and we all went camping. If any of you know my mother, you realize that my family did not do camping while I was growing up. I've only been to Girl's Camp, which I guess doesn't count to Brian's family as camping. So, this was my first "real" experience. They were all very excited to see how I handled it.

We left Friday afternoon. We were planning to go earlier but it was pouring buckets of rain so we couldn't get everything packed as soon as we planned. When we finally did leave it was still pouring and the streets were flooded. But we wanted to get down there before it got dark, so we soldiered on.

We got down to their property and set up tents and such. It was really only me and Brian in one tent and his brother Curtis in another, because, lucky for me, they recently bought a trailer, so his parents and other two brothers slept in there. This trailer was my safe haven. It had a bathroom, so I didn't have to use the outhouse, and a stove and table, so when the bugs got too much, I could go and eat inside, where it was also warmer. Though it didn't get too cold so that wasn't too big of a problem.

We had a good time just hanging out with family and relaxing. On Saturday we went to Boulder Reservoir, and paddled around in the canoe and kayak. It was pretty fun. It was also nice to get to know his family a little better. His dad is the oldest of 7, so this was the first time meeting some of them.

By Saturday night though, I was ready to go home. I guess I'm more like my mom than I thought. I don't like to be dirty, and cold, and sleep on the hard ground. At least I wasn't hungry or Brian would've had a handful trying to keep me happy. :) His brother's were teasing that they couldn't wait until they got me out on a real camp out where we didn't have the trailer, but I said it probably wouldn't happen. They have this reunion every other year and by 2009 I could be pregnant and then I'm definitely not camping without a trailer! I refuse. ha ha.

When we finally got home on Sunday it was so nice to take a shower and get out of my dirty clothes. Brian just laughed at me because he said he's figured out the key to my happiness: Food and being clean. And it's true. If you ever find yourself around me and I start to act grumpy, I probably need food. Also a trait I got from my mother. :)

All in all, it was a good experience. I learned that I can survive camping, but I also reaffirmed that I really am not a big fan of it. Luckily, Brian's not huge on camping, so it won't be a big problem later on in our lives. Unless he becomes Scout Master..... which is a trend in his family...... uh oh.

(Sorry I don't have any pictures. I really would've taken some, and I wanted to, even brought the camera. But once we got up there we realized it was dead. Hopefully I can get some copies from his mom and post them soon.)

1 comment:

Natalie Loris said...

Your a wuss! trailers...

- Love you!!