Thursday, October 4, 2007

Brian's Final Presentation #1

Well, Presentation #1 has come to an end. After many, many nights of an average of 4 hours or less sleep, Brian has completed this first major project. I gave the example before of him staying up until 4:30, and the following night we were both up until 4:30 again, so he's been very ready to be done. Wednesday I even had to call in sick to work, because after getting home at 4:30 and having to be up again at 7:30 I knew I wasn't going to last all day at work. I did come with Brian to school, to help him set up, and because I had to go to one class in the middle of the day. I can't drive when I'm tired because I really start to fall asleep.

So anyway, I decided to post some pictures because after all the hard work, Brian deserved to have everyone see something. :)

This is how his full presentation looked. All the little models on the floor are the process he went through to get to the final ones. The big black one is one of his final models. The other one was too huge to fit in this picture with the others.

He had to draw 7 different drawings for each model, so that made 14 drawings total! A lot of work. Some were more detailed and some could be abstract. Here are just a couple examples.

Here is the other final models. Along with the models, he had to build the part of the building they would attach to. This whole model is about 5' long, 4' wide, and 2' tall. It's in about 10 pieces right now, so it's easier to transport, but we've decided that we're going to use it as a coffee table in our new apartment. There's no way we're throwing it away after all the work that's gone into it. It's hard to show how cool all these things look, but Brian did a really good job.

Each student had to go through a critique with 3 jurors commenting on their work. Brian's critique went pretty well considering it was his first one. He got a lot of good comments and some good criticism. I was able to sit in and watch and I think he did wonderfully, but I'm biased because I'm his wife. :)

We did get to go home at a reasonable hour last night though, and got to bed at 8:30. We got a good 11 hours of sleep which was nice. We're still here at 10:00 tonight because he's finishing one last drawing before Fall Break, but at least this past stress is over.

For one of Brian's other classes, he's had to start designing a restaurant. They had to do a preliminary animation of it and post it on YouTube. Part of their grade is dependent on how many hits it receives and the kind of comments left there. Now, don't make it too obvious, but if you could look at it, and then leave a comment it would be great. I would post it on here, but like I said, it needs to count the hits on the website. Here's the link:

YouTube Video

Thanks guys!


Suzy said...

I was thinking about going back to school, but now I've changed my mind. Too much homework!! I am sure that you feel totally relieved. Enjoy fall break/

Annie said...

That was really cool. I hoope Brian gets a good grade. Would it help if we go see it more than once? Or is that unethical? Keep up the good work.