Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Girl's Weekend

This last weekend, my mom and sisters and I had our first annual Girl's Weekend. This year, we chose to meet in the thriving metropolis of Fillmore, Utah. Yeah, you read that right. :) We chose there because it's half the distance from Salt Lake, where me and my mom and Dani live/work, and St. George, where my sister Nat lives. So we wanted to make it accessible for her to come as well.

We got there at about 6:30 Friday night and checked in to our room at the Apple Creek Inn. It was quite nice and I was excited because I just like to stay in hotels. My mom had called ahead to see if they had DVD players for some DVDs she wanted us to watch together, and they had told her they didn't, but people had brought their own game systems in the past that they hooked up to the TVs, so we figured they would be DVD player compatible. Wrong. When we tried to hook it up, we noticed that there are not even the plugs to hook the cables into. So, nix that idea. We were left with just Cable TV movies to watch, but we found a couple good ones to keep us entertained.

Our first excitement, upon arriving, was that a fly was in our room. The Walker sisters were on the case though. :)

Nat eventually conquered.

That first night we went to a local diner, called Cluff's which was our favorite place out of everywhere that we ate. We made friends with a couple ladies that we even saw on Saturday at the boutique.
The local movie theatre in the town only plays one movie for a week and then gets the next one. However, this weekend, they were not showing any movies because none were available. Foiled again!
The Inn did have a hot tub though, so we got to enjoy that. Dani enjoyed the pool, but the rest of us are old married ladies now and wanted to just sit and chat. While we were there, a few local guys came in and sat in the hot tub too. This immediately prompted me and Nat to start talking about our husbands so these guys wouldn't get the wrong idea. But both Brian and Adam felt honored that their wives are still hot enough to get hit on when they're not around.

The Inn had a continental breakfast that we enjoyed, full of waffles and hot chocolate and pastries.

We were all going to go in our pj's and hair up crazy, but after seeing Dani's attempt, decided against it.

Saturday, after breakfast, we got ready and did pedicures and relaxed a little, and then went out to lunch at Larry's Drive In. It was OK food.

After Larry's we went to a local Boutique at the high school. Very small, but fun still the same. We saw a bunch of fun stuff and Nat & Dani even got something. I saw a framed saying I really liked, but the quality wasn't the best, and I'm too cheap to buy something unless I REALLY want it anyways, so I didn't get anything.
We tried to stop at another local shop on the way back from that though, and they were closed. At 2 pm in the afternoon! Crazy town.

That night we went to the steakhouse, which had the most expensive food of everywhere else and it was the worst. If you're ever in Fillmore, don't go there. Bad service, bad food. We think it even gave Dani a little food poisoning. :( But the glasses were cute. Little cowboy boots.

Nat had to leave after dinner to get back to a church meeting the next morning, but it was so good to see her and spend time with her. I never get to anymore, because they live in St. George and we're too busy and poor to get down there right now. Maybe after I graduate....
All in all, it was a fun weekend, to just get to spend time with the girls', away from it all. Next time though, I think we'll pick a better location. Thanks Mom!

P.S. Nat took more pictures, so I might be posting more later. I would've taken more, but Brian had our camera.


Annie said...

Melissa that sounds like a while lot of fun. Maybe the Glad girls nead to start something like that. i definetely don't get to see enough of my family :)

Emily Christiansen said...

So much fun! I would love to do an annual get together with my sisters and my mom. I think all you girls grew up to be so cute!