Monday, November 5, 2007

My Dad, The Bishop

Yesterday, we spent the day with my family because my dad was called as Bishop of their ward. There were a lot of mixed emotions in the ward because of the releasing of the old bishopric, but I know that everyone loves my dad too. He told me and Brian a little early, just so we could make arrangements to be there and it's been really hard not to post something about it, because I'm actually very excited. I know it's a hard calling and one you never wish for, but I think my dad will do a great job. I had a lot of thoughts yesterday that I really wanted to get down somewhere, so I thought, why not here?

I loved my old bishop. He was one of the counselors when I was in Young Women's, so I got to know him pretty well, and then he became bishop right before I left for college. He is such a good man, and so kind and loving. The first night I got home from Logan he gave up his Family Home Evening time to meet with me and see how I was doing and to find out what he could do for me. He met with me multiple times to calm my fears about going through a divorce and being single again in my home ward. He is a wonderful man.

Then I was thinking about my dad, and I know I'm biased, but I think he'll be so good at this calling. He loves people so much and he wants to help as much as he can. I was remembering that when I was still up in Logan, lost and not knowing what to do with the information that my husband didn't love me anymore, my dad was the one that said, "Melissa, get in the car and leave. Don't stay there. You need to get away and come home." (They were in St. George when everything fell apart in Logan, so that's why I wasn't leaving already to go to them.) Then when they raced back Sunday night, he gave me a blessing right away to get through everything. He was always there to support me and he didn't treat me like a child when I moved home again.

When my cousin Brooke got married, just a few months after my divorce was final, I attended her wedding in the same temple where I had been married. I did OK through most of the ceremony until the very end, when it became too much and too hard. I felt so bad because I didn't want to ruin her day. I walked out of the sealing room and completely lost it. I just remember my dad grabbing me up in his arms and holding me and then walking me out of there so I didn't have to have everyone stare at me.

He's a great man. I know he's nervous and overwhelmed but after seeing him be set apart by our stake president, and hearing the wonderful blessing he was given, I know that he'll be able to do this. He's the one that taught me that we can do anything the Lord has given us, because He wouldn't give it to us unless we could.

I love you Dad!


Suzy said...

Dad's are the best!! My dad was bishop when I was little. I remember him giving me my baptism interview on the way to the church for my baptism. It was funny! But I also remember the spirit that was in our home during the time he served. Good luck with the move.

Annie said...

Good for you. Dads are definetely the best. I love my dad bunches and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. He was the greatest dad.

Annie said...

I hope your move went well and we can't wait to hear about it on your blog. Do you have an internet hookup yet?