Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

It's just starting to get a little dark, which means the little kids have been out for a while, and the big kids are just about to start. I remember those days, of running around with your friends seeing who could get the most candy. At our house, after we got home, we got to take out a certain number, I can't remember, maybe 20? pieces of candy for ourselves, and then had to dump the rest into one big bowl. Well, more like two, because it all wouldn't fit into one when the majority of us were going around. And we complained at first, but it was always nice days later when your candy was gone, but that big bowl was still sitting on the counter.

I enjoyed Halloween as a kid and loved all the chocolate, but as I've gotten older, it's lost it's appeal. I know I know. This is appalling to some of you out there. But I just don't like it as much. I still love the chocolate, but I no longer find joy in going out to get a costume because the only ones made for older/adult women, are slutty. Unless you make them yourself, and I'm just not that creative. And I really hate touching slimy goopy stuff, so pumpkin carvings out of the question. And I hate to be scared, so Haunted Houses are really off limits. They give me nightmares anyway. So yeah. I'll take my hot apple cider and all the Snickers you'll give me, but that's where it ends.

I might change my tune though, when I have kids, because after seeing all my cousin's kids, all dressed up, I can't wait to do that to my own. :)

My grandparents are getting back today. They may even be back already, but we have not been home yet to find out. I think they're leaving right away again to see my Great Grandma up in Preston, but I don't know. I'm excited to see them. It feels like Brian and I are the only ones that weren't able to go down to St. George to visit them the whole time they were down there. But I guess this is made up by the fact that our wedding is the only one they could come up for. :) So that was special for me.

Last night we had a going away party for our Sunday School class. They came over to our house for pizza and then we watched Brian Regan. They loved it. They are such cool kids and even though I'm still way scared of teaching, I'm so glad we got this opportunity. We weren't always the most prepared or the best teachers, but we had a good time with them.

Well, I'm off to go get Brian from school, and hopefully go home sooner than later. Safe Trick-or-Treating to all!

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