Monday, December 10, 2007

Eventful Weekend

First of all, on Saturday, I pulled a Natalie. :) I love my little sister to death, but in high school she tended to be a little accident prone. Well, actually her whole life, but only because she's so outgoing and a dare devil, which isn't a bad thing. But she once tore the tendons in her ankle, during a choir concert. And she tore her ACL, playing touch football. Of course she walked both of these injuries off and kept going for days before getting them checked. :) She's tough like that.

On Saturday, I was sitting on my couch and our house phone started to ring. So I get up and run for the phone because this is a rare occurrence. As I turn the corner to get to the phone (still running) my foot slips and I step hard onto my ankle, instead of the flat of my foot. I luckily caught myself on the counter and the doorknob and didn't completely fall. I barely hobbled to the phone in time to hear A TELEMARKETER ASKING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIVE THERE ANYMORE!! I was so ticked! And my whole foot throbbed. For a while I thought I might have twisted my ankle, but after icing it and resting I can walk on it. I limped all night and still have a slight limp, but it's doing better. I was very upset though.

I'm not the kind of person that just sits around and feels bad for myself when I'm hurt, but I get angry that I'm hurt and can't do anything. It's probably why I don't go to the doctor until I'm almost dying. That's how I got walking pneumonia. :)

Anyway, Saturday we had a family Christmas party and then went to a concert with Brian's family. We had a really good time, but didn't get home until 11:30. It had snowed almost all day Friday & all day Saturday. Very pretty but scary to drive in.

When we got home we still had to write talks for church the next day. :( We decided going to bed and getting up early would be more productive. So we got up yesterday at 7 and wrote our talks and then someone from the ward called and said the church had no power, so we might only be having Sacrament meeting. When we got over there all the windows were open and the church was dark. Everyone was huddled close to the front and still wearing coats. We had candles up at the front to give a little light & no microphone. They handed out blankets during the meeting and we just had to talk a little louder.

Usually I stress about making my talks long enough, but I stood up there and realized that since I could hardly feel my toes, I wouldn't worry about it. :) We both did pretty well though and I felt good about it. It was an interesting experience though to give a talk in your coat and gloves.

Today Brian presented on one of his final projects and he did a really good job. I'm so proud of him. We'll be taking pictures of everything, and I think he actually is supposed to make his own site, so we'll link everything up and put it on here too. Only one more project to go and he's done after Thursday. Woohoo!


Natalie Loris said...

First of all- I'd like to set the record straight! I tore all my tendons in my ankle playing soccer and then at the choir concert. And I tore my ACL playing TACKLE football. Don't be making me sound like a wuss!

Melissa said...

I never said wuss, I said accident prone. :)