Monday, July 7, 2008


Rules of this Tag:
1. Answer the questions about the list of friends and/or family on your blog.
2. If you don’t have 18 names answer the question about the next name that you have not had a question for on your list.
3. Tag other people.

When did you first meet the 1st person on your list? Well, Adam is my older cousin, so I probably met him at whatever family function happened first after I was born. Kandis I met at a dinner at Grandma Barlow's house.

What do you like about the 3rd person on your list's blog? Bendi! This is my cousin & her husband. I think that Wendi is such a fun person to be around. She's got so much energy and can always make you smile. And I love Ben because he makes her happy, and because he's got a great sense of humor. Brian and I love hanging out with them.

What do you like best about the 5th and 6th people on your list? Britt is my "deep" cousin. I swear she should be a therapist. She always has such great insights in to what makes people tick. She has a great laugh and we always have such a great time together. I don't personally know Chris, but I've known Amy since she was little. I admire her for taking on some tough things in her life and pulling together such a cute little family.

How long have you known the 9th person on your list? I have known Greg & Jaime since we moved into our ward in November, so... 8 months. They are a very cute family & I love their two cute children.

What impresses you about the 11th and 12th people on your list? What impresses me most about Jason & Brooke is their ability to get along with just about everyone. They're both pretty quiet but they are so fun to be around. What impresses me the most about Jessica is her creativity. She makes blankets, and quilts, and clothes, and does digital scrapbooking. Everything I wish I could do.

What is a memory you have with the 16th person on your list? Wow, where to begin. I've known Meaghan for almost 6 years now and we've done so many things together. Late night movies, Vanilla lemonades, just plain being crazy through college. I guess a memory that sticks out most is when Megs & I were sharing a room & her fiance, now husband, Kyle was over. It was Sunday afternoon, so I had gone in to take a nap & I guess they came in later to do the same thing. I woke up to kissy-noises & jumped up to get out of there. Awkward then, but very funny now.

Say something nice about the 18th person on your list: Emily is awesome! We lived across the street from each other when we were little & I was best friends with her little sister. But when we were fighting I would hang out with Emily because we were both the oldest, and girls, and had long hair. It was our bond. :) Emily's way creative & so artsy.

Tagging: Anyone who wants to.

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