Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, I've done all I can do. Except pray some more. I am so nervous for tomorrow. As stated in a previous post, I have been called to be a Gospel Doctrine teacher. I am terrified of teaching. But I've tried to just be positive and do my best. Tomorrow is my first Sunday teaching. I have been reading the lesson all week and the scriptures that go along with it. I spent most of the day today finally setting it all down on paper and organizing it to the best I can. Hopefully it turns out well.

It's weird, because I'm nervous that I won't have enough and I'll end early, but I'm also nervous that I won't get to all the points I want to hit. Either way I need a lot of class discussion going on. So to all of those out there in my ward that read this, Please, please, participate tomorrow. I know it's early and you'd rather still be in bed, but I really need the encouragement.

To top of those nerves, Brian & I also have to speak tomorrow. So the time I wasn't spending on my lesson I was spending on my talk. I think it'll be OK. At least I don't have to worry about feedback during my talk. But I will admit that I spent more time on my lesson than my talk, so if it's not quite as good as usual, take it up with the bishop. :)

And to make things just a little more stressful, the choir is singing tomorrow. And I am the pianist. So I will be talking, playing, and teaching tomorrow. People are going to be sick of looking at me by the end of church. So again, please participate! :)

Brian is a good husband though and has been really encouraging. He says he's excited for my lesson and he's talked to others that are excited as well. We'll see if I meet there expectations. We're off to a family BBQ this evening which I hope will take my mind off things for a while. Like I said, there's nothing else I can do, but pray. Which I will be doing a lot of!


Natalie Loris said...

I'm sure you did just wonderful with your lesson! You have always been good with public speaking! Let me know how it all went... or I'll see you next weekend :) I love you!

Amy said...

Those are my worst fears right there for church. I am sure it went well you are great but I understand the fear.