Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Bike Shop

If anyone ever doubted when I talked about calling our apartment a bike shop, doubt no more! This is what I came home to last night:
The blue bike on the left is my brother-in-law's, the two in front of the TV are my brother's and dad's.
Mine & Brian's. Standard in the kitchen.

Yes I live in a bike shop.

This weekend is our Girl's Weekend. My mom started the tradition last year because both Natalie & I got married and so my little sister Dani was left alone in the house with two brothers. So we all get together for a little weekend trip just us girls. This year we're going to St. George. We're staying in a condo and we're going to have a blast.

Brian and my brother are also going down, to have a Boy's Weekend with my brother-in-law. They're planning on going biking, of course. Brian has his new bike, Adam just bought his bike because he was cleared to do fun stuff by the doctor's, and so of course, Brian had to tune-up a bike for Brad, and for Phil. (Phil is no longer coming.) Also unfortunately, my dad can't make it because his counselors are going to be gone and he has to conduct or teach or something on Sunday. :( Sad. But I think the guys will still have fun. And this way they can bike all they want and not have to worry about leaving us girls out. :) And we don't have to worry about leaving them out.

We are planning on getting together for a family party on Sunday though, for Nat's b-day. That will be fun too. I'm so excited. And it's so nice to be able to go down there and just enjoy myself and not worry about homework or things being due next week. I love being graduated. :)

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. And remember, if you need your bike fixed, you know where to come.


Matt and Marci said...

I can completely relate to the whole "living in a bike shop" situation... At least our husbands are good for something!

Matt said...

Is that Gilligan's Island you're watching?