Friday, September 12, 2008

I Am

I am... ready to go home

I think... about babies a lot

I know... I'm supposed to be with Brian

I want... to not have to work

I have... the best husband ever

I wish... I could write the next great American novel

I hate... that I can be so outgoing sometimes and so shy at other times

I fear... not be able to have children of my own

I feel... the keyboard

I hear… nothing, the office is pretty empty today

I smell... toast. Someone had breakfast at work

I wonder... if I'll be a good mom

I regret... not trusting myself when I knew that Brian loved me

I love... Brian, and ice cream.

I always... want to be a better person

I am not... very patient with those I love, unfortunately

I believe... that everything turns out OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end.

I don't always... shave my legs

I lose... track of what I'm thinking because I think about a million things at once

I never... became a "True Aggie"

I listen... to books on CD

I am scared of... losing Brian

I read... as much as I can!

I dislike... fish

I miss... my best friend Val

I crave... ice cream and chocolate

I cry... over the same thing over and over

I usually... avoid working out because I'm too lazy

I search... for good books to read

I care... for my little family

I always... try to make Brian happy

I worry... about Brian when he's mountain biking

I remember... the exact moment I knew I was supposed to marry Brian

I dance... only when I'm hyper

I sing... at church, and to myself

I argue... with almost anyone. I'm very stubborn

I write... about whatever comes to mind and whenever it hits me.

I win... as much as I can. I'm very competitive

I don't understand... why I have to be at work when my boss isn't

I can usually be found... at work or at home. I lead an exciting life

I need... to be doing actually work, but I'm worn out

I forget... to enjoy the moment instead of worrying about the future sometimes

I am happy... because I am blessed, even when things are hard, I feel very blessed

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