Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Month Recap

So even though I'm not in school, I seem to be able to keep coming up with excuses as to why I never update this thing. I don't have all the pictures, nothing exciting really happened, I want to spend a little time with my husband when he's home.... etc. But here it is, September in Summary:
Girl's Weekend 2008
So my mom & I headed down to St. George early the Friday before Labor Day. We listened to The Host on her Ipod. I loved it, by the way. When we got down there we went to dinner with Nat and then the store to pick up supplies. We hung out at the condo until Brian, Brad & Dani got there. Then we picked up Dani, went back to the condo and watched a movie. My mom also got us cute girlie things like loofahs, and body mousse and way cute pajama pants. They're Sleepless in Seattle pants! My favorite movie!

Take pity on this picture. It was bed time when she sprung these on us so we have no make-up on and our hair is undone. :)

Of course Nat & Dani fell asleep during the movie. But I didn't! It's a miracle!

The next day we gave each other pedicures and watched movies & played card games. My mom, Nat & I did a puzzle, which Dani refused to do with us. It's just not her thing.

We went out to the best fast food place in St. George, Frostop. If you ever go down, eat there! I love it. Then we went back and played more games and hung out. We had Papa Murphy's for dinner and then went to the late showing of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 movie. Way cute! My mom made fun of how loud I laughed, but there were only 17 people in the theatre! Including us. :)

Sunday we went to church with they boys, because it was Nat & Adam's ward. We had a family lunch for Nat's birthday, which was earlier that week. Then we split again and us girls went back and watched Titanic, the edited version. We all met up that evening for a party for Nat with Adam's family. We of course had ice cream cake. :) Then we all played Hand & Foot, which I really like but haven't played forever.

Of course, when we got home, we chose that night to stay up way late talking about everything. Dani unfortunately wasn't feeling good all weekend so she went to bed early. The rest of us stayed up until 1:30 talking. It was great! I love talking with my mom and Nat.

Monday morning Dani really wanted to go swimming, but it wasn't quite as warm so we only dipped our feet in and then went back to get ready to go home.

It was another great trip, and I'm so glad that my mom decided to start doing this. Next year it's going to be up north, I think in Midway. I can't wait.

No School

Being out of school has been a lot of fun for me. I've started tons of projects like: decorating my house. We went and bought some garland to cover the empty shelves in our living room. Brian is an awesome interior designer and he draped the garland over picture frames and wicker baskets we had just laying around. It looks awesome. I might do the same thing in the kitchen.

...organizing my music. I have stacks and stacks of music and I finally had the chance to go through it, organize it alphabetically, and put it into page protectors and binders. There is still a little stack left because I need more page protectors, but it's so nice to have it all organized. Now I just need to play a little more.

...reading. OK, it's not really a project, but I am still so happy about it. I've actually started getting a lot of books on CD, and putting them on my computer. I put them on my Ipod and on Brian's. He loves it because it makes the time go by much faster, and he's reading (listening) to more books than ever. I love it because I can listen to a book and still be doing things, like cleaning or organizing or cross stitching.

Also, I got my diploma the other day and Brian bought me a nice frame to put it in.

Progressive Dinner

If anyone has never done this, I would highly encourage it. Our ward does it about twice a year. You have people volunteer to host the appetizer or the dinner, and then you all meet as a large group. You're divided up so about one or two couples go to each house (plus the host couple) for the appetizer. Then you meet again, and switch the groups around, and go eat dinner. We all then meet together for dessert and maybe a game or two, but it's a really great way to get to know more people in either your ward or neighborhood.

I was especially thrilled with we got to have waffles and ice cream for dinner! I've had it for breakfast, but I know have justification to have it for dinner. :) Brian's thrilled I'm sure. We had a really great time, and I even got to hold the cutest little girl almost all night. Such a sweetie!

I can't wait for the next one. Maybe I'll even host something. If the house is all decorated. :)

Road Race

On Saturday, Brian participated in his first ever Road Bike Race. My mom's company helps in this charity every year, called Bikes for Kids. They raise money to give 1,000 bikes to 1,000 underprivileged kids, including helmets, locks, etc. This wasn't the main event where they actually give the bikes away, but it was to raise money. It was also a fun BYU v. UofU contest.

Brian of course, raced for the U. It was out in Draper, and was 3 miles long. Doesn't seem that long you say? Well it was also 1300 feet of vertical climbing. So it was pretty tough. Brian did a great job though.

Just starting out. Still smiling.

Right at the finish line. He sprinted past two other bikers to finish ahead of them. That's his mom in the car taking a picture of him.

We stood at the finish line and cheered on the racers until we saw Brian. Then I know at least my volume tripled. I screamed so hard for him. He said he heard me from probably a quarter mile away. :) That's a trait I get from my parents. He said it really helped though to keep him going. I was so proud of him. He finished with a time of 22:07, which is about what he wanted. For never having ridden in a road bike race, and for not having any training for this, just jumping on the bike and going, I say he did a really good job. :)

This is us right after his finished. He's exhausted, and had to leave quickly after to go cool down. He said he felt like throwing up, and some bikers did. That was way nasty.

Go Brian!

Nat & Adam came up for the weekend and were there to help support. Brian had to go back to school for a few hours, but we spent the rest of the day just relaxing and watching the football games.

I taught Sunday School again on Sunday, and I felt a little bit more comfortable. I still get nervous, but I think it will get better. This Sunday was interesting though, because there were a few comments I didn't really know how to handle. But I think I did OK. And there were a bunch more people participating, which is always nice.

So there you go. Our month in summary. I'll try and be a little better at posting, but life is just the same old stuff since Brian started back to school. You never know though. It's when life settles down that you have to worry, because things tend to get exciting real fast. :)


Jason and Jessica Bills said...

It looks like you have had a fun busy month! I bet you are loving being finished with school.

Amy said...

Ok so I love to listen to books on my ipod you can get so much done and it makes the time (house work) go by much faster. Sounds like a pretty fun month!

Matt and Marci said...

Wow about playing catch up... busy is good though. I can't belive that you were in St. George and didn't even come say 'hi'! I'm glad to hear that the girls weekend tradition is still strong!