Thursday, October 2, 2008

Same old, same old

Well, Brian's second year of architecture, while not quite as hard because he knows what he's doing more, is still just as time consuming. He's doing a little bit better at managing the time and it helps that we live so close this year. But still, I only get to see him for an hour every night for dinner. Maybe two hours if we go out to dinner, but that usually includes shopping time for supplies for his projects.

Our FHE this week consisted of my taking 5 minutes to show him how to do indexing for genealogy stuff, and he didn't even have time to really go through it. We just try and fit in what we can. Maybe it'd be different if he could study or something at home, but he has to go back to school to work on projects, so I spend a lot of time chilling by myself.

He usually doesn't get home until around 12, give or take a half hour. But he's doing really well at staying enough ahead that he can still come home and get at least 6 hours sleep. Most of the architecture students don't get that much. A few of them even end up bringing in cots to sleep at the school. Brian is smart enough to realize that he needs to get away for at least a little while to clear his mind. I think it does help a lot. At least Fall Break is in about a week. Then he'll have time to relax a little. Maybe we'll even take a trip. :)

Work is going fine for me. I like being here every day, but the downside is that I'm efficient. Why is that a downside you say? Because I have finished all the projects given to me and now I have nothing to do! But I get paid by the hour, so I have to be here to earn money. So I sit and do little things, like answer the phone every other hour or so, and open the mail, and just try and look busy. Then other days I get slammed and my boss thinks it'll take three days to catch up with everything, but I get it done the next day. Owell. As long as he's willing to pay me for just being here, I'll be here.

One thing Brian and I have enjoyed together lately is listening to books on CD. We intended to listen to each book at the same time, because we can't actually sit together and listen. But because Brian has so much time at school to listen while he's building models, he's gotten about two books ahead of me. We're currently listening to the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series.

Brian has read about half of them previously, and I've read all of them, but it's been a long time. So we're listening to them again. I think they're great and Brian really loves them. He says it helps make the time go by faster while he's working on things. I think next we'll listen to the Work & the Glory series. Brian's never read them, but I have and I love them.

Something I've been doing to keep myself busy while Brian's at school is indexing. This is a genealogical project our ward is doing. When I informed Brian that I had started doing it, he told me he's actually on the committee for it. Who knew? So I guess it's good that I finally got around to doing it. The church has scanned copies of old census reports and things like that, but they need people to go in and transcribe the writing into the computer. So you download a scanned image, and then type up the names and ages, etc. Then you submit your work. It seemed a little intimidating because who wants to be responsible for messing up a spelling or something and completely stopping someones research? But that's not how it works. You do a batch, then someone else does the same batch, then it's sent to a supervisor to double double check it. So that way you know that it will be done correctly.

I really like doing it, because it's really easy and fast for me to do. And if you can't read the list you're given, you can simply return the batch and download a different one. It's interesting to me to see the different names and occupations and ages of the people and where they came from. Right now I'm working on lists from an 1870 New York Census. I've found a few families of Walkers, and Walsh's, both names I connect to. It may seem kind of boring to others, but I finally feel like I'm contributing to someones family history work. It may not be my own, but I'm helping someone.

Other than that I'm working on a new cross stitch that's bigger than any I've done before. And I'm still trying to get my house decorated to my satisfaction. My Relief Society is having an activity called Parade of Homes next week. We'll be going to other ladies' homes in the ward and getting to see how they've decorated and such. I'm way excited because I need ideas.

1 comment:

Andrew and Tracy said...

I'm sorry Brian is gone so much! Being graduated is kind of weird huh? But I'm glad you are doing fun things!