Thursday, August 14, 2008

What I did to celebrate

So now that I'm officially done with school, I'll post about what I did to celebrate.

Brian came to pick me up after I finished my last final. We drove up to Park City and went shopping all afternoon. I got 5 shirts, one pair of jeans & new shoes. We went out to lunch up there & it was great to just relax & enjoy myself.

This is one of my new outfits.

After shopping we came home & I went visiting teaching. My friend Mikelle is my partner, & somehow we got talking about the Twilight Series. She said she had the first three, & she let me borrow them. So I got started right away. :) Brian took me out to dinner at Red Robin which was great.

My friend Heather sent me these beautiful flowers because I finished my degree. I loved them! They made me feel so special. I love getting flowers.

I took the day off on Friday to pamper myself. I went to the spa in my area & got a mani/pedi & then got my hair done. I decided to go dark because I've never done dark before. I've done blond, I've done red/pink/purple, I've done blond highlights, and I've done really short as well. So kept it long & went dark brown. This isn't the best picture of it, but I'll get more.

This picture was taken before we headed to my aunt's wedding. If you notice, I've got a book hidden behind me. Yes, it is the first Twilight book. I finished it later that afternoon.

To my wonderful husband who's helped me survive school & finally reach this point. I love you Brian! I never would've made it through this if Brian hadn't been helping out around the house & getting the things done that I couldn't while working & doing school. Now it's back to the regular schedule. Brian's starting school again in a couple weeks, and I'm not sure how much of him I'll see. But he has to apply to grad schools this fall, so we'll soon know if we're staying or going anywhere next year.


Roods said...

How fun. I'm glad you were able to survive the semester. Congrats!!!

Wolfley Family said...

Again, congrats on graduating!! (I've still got about 25 credits to go but it's so motivating to see others make it!). I'd love to see a pic of your hair in pink and purple :) Whenever we're out and about and we see random colors of hair like that, Kaitlyn always thinks those people are so lucky to have been born with such cool hair colors :) One day we'll have to show her how to have her own any color she wants.

StephyJ said...

Congratulations! This calls for a celebration of Molten Chocolate Lava Cake! lol!

Andrew and Tracy said...

Hey Melissa!
Oh no I'm glad because now I can look at your cute blog. And congratulations to you! I'm glad you're not so fun spanish class is done! :) I'm glad you got to have a day off and her hair looks really cute, I wanted to tell you at church but I didn't get a chance. Hope you are having a great day!