Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On This Day In History: 10/28/06

Two years ago on 10/28/06 Brian and I got engaged. I didn't have time to post about it, because last week was craziness for me at work, but I wanted to acknowledge this wonderful event in my life. It was a long time coming. We were friends since 2001, had dated for 8 months officially, and had been talking about it for at least 4 of those. I'm so happy Brian just made the decision and surprised me with the proposal, because I think if he left it up to me, it would've taken even longer. He's made me the happiest woman in the world, and I know that I'm so lucky to have him.
I love you babe!
Because I am catching up on posts, I'll include this tag on this one.
Hubby Tag
Answer the questions about your sweetheart…
*What is your husband’s name: Brian Paul Glad
*How long have you been married? 1 year, 7 months, 17 days
*How long did you date? We dated for 8 months officially after his mission (3 months unofficially before) and were engaged for 4 1/2 months
*How old is he? 24
*Who eats more sweets? Me, he's a pretty healthy eater
*Who said I love you first? Him
*Who is taller? Him
*Who can sing best? Him
*Who is smarter? Depends on the subject
*Who does laundry? Both
*Who pays bills? Me
*Who sleeps on the right side? Me
*Who mows the lawn? The apartment guys
*Who cooks dinner? Me, but I really like Marci's arrangement
*Who drives? Him
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? Both
*Who kissed who first? He kissed me first
*Who asked who out first? Well, we did a lot of "hanging out" before dating, so I'm not sure. We'll just say he did.
*Who wears the pants? I like to pretend that I do sometimes, but I will always follow him if he feels something should be done a certain way. But he's pretty mellow & lets me do things how I want. :)

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