Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Break

Here's a quick summary of our Fall Break:

Here's Brian & his two cousins, Jason & Andrew. Isn't Brian's face great? Sorry it's the only one I got. This is just the first morning. Brian & these guys went biking every day, all day. Adam joined them on Friday (after being up for more than 30 hours straight. He works nights.) Brad & Matt joined them on Saturday afternoon as well. Brad had his first real bike crash and scraped up his arm. He's OK though. They were all pretty exhausted by the end of the trip, but this was really good for Brian. He needs to go biking to release his stress.

Of course we had to go to Frostop one of the nights for dinner. Adam doesn't quite get why our family likes it so much, but I think that's just because he grew up being able to go there whenever he wanted. For us it's part of the St. George experience. :)

And finally, Nat made a hair appointment for both of us while we were down there. I liked the dark while I had it, but I needed a change again. I think I have ADD when it comes to my hair. Here are the before & after shots.

It looks better in person, but I really like it. It's similar to how I cut my hair once in high school. I think I'll keep up this cut because it's pretty easy and I think looks better on me than my long hair. Though it's easy to put the long hair in a pony tail. Owell. :)

So that was Fall Break. We also attended church with Nat & Adam and then had family dinner. The rest of my family was in Las Vegas for part of the trip and joined us on Saturday and Sunday. (Except Phil, who was in Florida with some friends. He got to be part of the Blue Man Group show so I don't think he was sad he missed us.)

It was nice to have a break, but the nicest part was knowing that I didn't have anything due or homework to work on over the break. :)

1 comment:

Shae said...

I love your new haircut! It looks great!