Monday, January 12, 2009

Last Semester of Undergraduate Degree

Well, Brian started school again today. I meant to take a "first day of school" picture, but we ended up accidentally sleeping in, so that didn't happen. Owell. He seems pretty chill about this semester. I think the whole program is a little less stressed this semester. While it's still important to do well, they've already been submitting applications to Grad schools, and they should all know where they're going by March. So no one is quite as concerned about perfection as usual. I think Brian's really happy to be finishing his Undergraduate degree and graduating in May. True, he'll be graduating again in a couple of years with his Master's, but it's still exciting. He's the oldest in his family, and I think the first on either side of his parent's families to graduate from college. I'm very proud of him.

We enjoyed this last week of freedom though, as I posted earlier. We found a Wii, and have used it almost every night. It's really fun and we even like the Wii Fit better than the regular Wii games. We haven't tried them all but we'll get there.

I also forgot to mention, that the other week in Sunday School, when I was teaching, I shared about my divorce (because it applied to what we were talking about). I hadn't done so before, because I wasn't quite ready to share that yet. But I love our ward and I've started to feel even closer to the people in it, so I felt comfortable sharing. It was kind of amazing to do so, because another sister came up to me and shared that she had been through a similar situation. You never think you'll find anyone that's been through something just like yours, but hers was pretty close. I really appreciated that she would share that with me.

Yesterday we had a really good Sacrament Meeting. The talks were about personal conversion. We recently had a couple move into our ward that spoke, and the husband spoke about his personal conversion story, which was amazing. And the wife spoke about the differences of the church here and in England, which is where she's from. The other couple that spoke, talked about some of the conversions they saw on their missions. They all did a very good job and I loved listening to their talks. I also played a musical number.

The last speaker was talking about love and how when he's doing what he's supposed to be doing he feels more love for his wife, because God is love. (I probably slaughtered his thought, but it's been a day and I should've written it down sooner.) Anyway, he also mentioned that he & his wife have been married for only 2 months and they're still all schmoopy (constantly holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.) And people tell them it'll wear off eventually. I think that's dumb. I'm sure it gets a little less frequent with the arrival of kids and such, but I think it'd shouldn't just wear off. Brian and I laughed a little though, because we've almost been married 2 years and we still are schmoopy, and I love it! I'm very lucky to have him.

Until next time... Don't get mad, Get Glad!


Barlow Fam said...

April will be 10 years and we're still schmoopy! And Proud!!! Those were all wonderful stories, thanks for sharing, and good luck Brian in this "last" semester.

Barlow Fam said...

Oh, and I just noticed you're reading Fishers of Men. You'll LOVE it. : )