Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

For Father's Day we went to my parent's house for a BBQ with my dad's side of the family. Not everyone could make it but we still had a great time. And I don't think we could've fit everyone if they had made it because we had to do it inside because of the weather. I guess we're all getting too big.

Me & Wendi

Wendi & Ben
(She forgot to put her wedding ring back on after being in Mexico for a week.)

My cousins Sarah & Brittany

After dinner we headed over to Brian's parent's house for pie with his mom's side of the family. Unfortunately we didn't get pictures of everyone, but we did get a few after everyone else left.
Brian made me put on this hat. He's having way too much fun with his camera.

Me & Stuart playing Speed.
I just want to say how much I love the "Dad's" in my life.
I can't even explain how much I love my dad. He's done so much for me and I know I wouldn't be who I am without his influence.
My grandpa Barlow passed away when I was almost 18, but he wasn't even supposed to live that long. He had quintuple bypass surgery when I was born and wasn't expected to live through that. He did, and he lived to see all of his grandchildren born and even some greats. He had a great smile, and he always used to say to me, "You're so good-lookin'" or "Do you know how beautiful you are?" Great memories.
My grandpa Walker has always treated me as a princess, probably because I'm the oldest grandkid and got a lot of love. He's a great man who's always tried to lead our family in a good direction.
Brian's dad is someone I will always love because of how wonderfully he taught Brian. I know Brian is so patient because of his dad (and mom's) influence. Brian's dad is also really outdoorsy and is really great about teaching his sons as well.
And finally, the the future dad in my life, Brian. I know he'll be a great dad one day and I appreciate all he does and how much he loves me and how much he puts into he schooling so that he can provide for our family.
Happy Father's Day!

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