Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4th of July Weekend

Because my sister and her husband missed Bear Lake, they came up for the 4th of July Weekend. We started it off by going to IKEA for lunch. I found this chair that had no back and I had to try it out. Here I am demonstrating that you could fall right off. My family makes me hyper and I do weird things. Adam walked away and didn't want to be seen with us.

My sister and her husband are project people and don't like to sit still. So when my dad commented that they'd like to get the kitchen and dining room painted, they jumped right in and decided to do it that weekend. So we then spent the rest of the weekend stripping wallpaper and painting. Not exactly my idea of relaxation, but we still had fun being together.

After finishing the first coat on Saturday we went to lunch and to see Transformers 2. Not the best movie, but we still had a good time.

My brother Brad and I are the best piano players in our family (if I do say so myself) but we have different strengths. I can sightread almost anything. Brad can memorize better than anyone I know. But we decided to sit down and learn a duet so we can perform it in our wards one day. I'm so happy we have this fun thing we can do together.

(Do you like how we have almost the same face while playing?)

After dinner we sat down to play a game of Tutti Frutti. It's a game we used to play a lot when we were younger but it can get pretty violent. It got down to me and Brad at the end both times but I totally won. I'm pretty much undefeated in this game, but it takes a toll on my hands.

After the game, we headed over to Brian's parent's house to do fireworks with the brothers. We had a good time just watching them and talking. Overall, a fun weekend with family, but I never want to paint someone else's house again. :)

1 comment:

Natalie Loris said...

Oh come on! Painting was totally fun! Don't worry- I won't make you refinish kitchen cabinets :) And I'm totally sad that I'm no longer one of the best pianist in the family... I need to get practicing again!