Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Condie Reunion 2009

On the Sunday after the 4th of July, we went to the Condie family reunion, which is my Dad's Mom's side of the family. My grandma is the oldest of her siblings, and I am the oldest great-grandchild. Because of the spacing of her siblings and their kids, I am closer in age to my dad's cousins, than to the other great-grandkids. It works out really confusing and hard to explain, but we all still have a great time.

We met at a park in Centerville and just chatted the afternoon away. Brian had fun taking lots of different pictures with his camera. (Can you tell which color shirt my mom and I are actually wearing?) And we all had fun being silly. Brad, Dani & I tested how long our tongues are. (Really short.) My (Great) Uncle Spence arm-wrestled the teenage boys, and me. Yes, he is 60-something, and yes, he is in the Seventy, but to me he's just my uncle.

Also, I had the chance to chat with Allyson Condie. If any of you have read the Yearbook series, she's the author. She married my dad's cousin. So I got to sit and pick her brain and get all sorts of good tips and advice about writing. It got me really excited to get going on my book. And she even said I could email her some chapters to read, which is awesome!

Fun times had by all!

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1 comment:

Matt and Marci said...

I didn't even hear ANYTHING about this! I love Allyson's neat that you were able to chat with her.