Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What else we've been up to (w/o pics)

On the 16th, we went out to dinner with our friends the Preece's. We didn't bring our camera unfortunately, because I don't know if they're ready for Brian's picture taking in our friendship yet. :)

We went to a Venezuelan restaurant called Andinita's. Both Brian and Landon served there and they were in love with the food. Marci and I nibbled. Brian made me try the most awful drink ever, Malta. Disgusting. Because of the torture, on the way home we stopped for ice cream and supplies and went back to their apartment and made our own creations with brownies and M&M's and strawberries and ice cream. So good. Then we just spent the night talking. We had such a good time with them and their little girl. But next time the girls get to decide where we eat!

On the 17th we went out with our other friends Matt & Val, and their little boy Joey. We went to Red Robin and then watched a movie at their house. We hadn't seen them in a while, so it was fun to get together.

On Saturday I was planning a night in because we'd already been out the two nights before and had stayed up way too late, but Brian got a really nice tip at work, so he came home and took me out to Arby's and the new Harry Potter movie. We loved it! I've read all the books, and then we listened to them together on CDs. Even though the movie isn't as good as the book, we still enjoyed it. We decided that if they would put everything in the movies that's in the books, each one could be 4 hours long, but we would gladly sit through that (with an intermission) if they did. :)

On Sunday we went to the Glad's for a BBQ and then Nathan just happened to need a haircut. He was willing to let me try to do it and he now says I give the best ones. I also gave Brian a cut while we had the stuff out. I don't know if I'll be able to cut anyone else's hair but theirs because they both have the same hair type and it's the only one I know. :)

Last night my cousin Lisa invited me to a digital scrapbooking workshop at her church so I went to that with her. It was fun to spend some time together and just chat. We are about a year apart but get along really well. We need to get together more often.

Today you can thank my boss for being out of the office, that's why I was able to update everything. Hopefully I don't get so behind again.


Erin said...

Yuck! Malta?! One of my mission companions tried to convince me that it was a health drink.

"Good fiber," she said.

"Horrible flavor," I thought.

Dominicans do have some pretty weird theories about health. Some would work, some wouldn't. I'm sure that I'd prefer to get my fiber from other not-so-disgusting sources.

Marzipan said...

Good times! I'm glad that we are now friends in the Venezuelan-food-isn't-as-fabulous-as-you-think club!

Matt and Marci said...

...tell your boss thanks for me. I'm happy to that you finally updated!