Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Well, the weekend started off pretty great with my boss letting me leave early. Always a good thing. I just went home and chilled while Brian went on a bike ride. When he got home (and after he showered) we went to dinner and a dollar movie. We saw Night at the Museum 2. We really liked it.

On Saturday I got up early and did the laundry and the dishes and cleaned up the house a little bit. I felt so productive. Then I got to just relax and enjoy my Saturday while Brian was at work. For some reason I'm blanking on what we did Saturday night. Owell.

Sunday was a good day. Despite what my ward members my think, I really did enjoy the meetings. Seeing as it's only been a little over a week since my surgery, I'm still fairly emotional. And since the Spirit tends to enhance emotions, I tend to bawl like a baby during church. Music is a very big trigger for me too. I've always been affected very strongly by music, so I can hardly open my mouth to sing before I start to cry during church. And it was Fast & Testimony meeting. But I do love going and feeling that Spirit and being comforted, even if I don't look it. :)

We had a nice testimony meeting and then Brian and I attended the Marriage & Family Relationship class taught my our High Councilman, Brother Knott. Brian aspires to be like Bro. Knott when he's older. He's a road biker, (doing Lotoja this weekend) and he's funny and sometimes wears a bow tie, and has the most awesome hair. I wish I had a picture. Anyway, we love him.

Then in Relief Society we had a great lesson about Intimacy in Marriage. It was really well done and not uncomfortable at all, which I think sometimes people tend to make it. I really liked it.

After church we went to my parents house for our monthly family dinner and then watched a movie. Well, the rest of us watched a movie while Brian did some reading for school. It bums be out when school starts and he's no longer able to be a part of everything because he's got other things to do. Owell. Only a little while longer....

Yesterday was a great day! Brian and I drove up to Park City in the morning because 1) he needed to do some site research for his project and 2) I needed to go shopping. :)

Now I've never really been a big shopper, but I recently realized that there is only one time in my life when I actually feel the need, and enjoy shopping. That would be after a traumatic, or life-altering event. After my divorce, I thoroughly enjoyed shopping, at least for a little while. I didn't complain about how long it took, or how my feet hurt from walking all day. I enjoyed trying things on and finding good deals. I think my aunt put it best when she said, "Why spend $100 to go talk to somebody about your problems when you can spend $100 on new clothes and feel just as good?" :) Great advice.

So lately I've felt that need again to just spoil myself a little. I never let myself go overboard, but there is something about getting a few new things that just makes me feel better. I feel more confident when I wear new clothes and I like that feeling. :) So there you go. And Brian likes to pick things out for me to try on and he's a big help at making sure I look good in what I get.

So yesterday, we went up to Main Street in Park City to do some measuring and things for his project. While we were doing this however, we ran into a problem, I mean, a parade. Did you know that yesterday was Miner's Day? I thought it was Labor Day, but apparently we were wrong. It was Miner's Day up in Park City, so they were having a parade. It made it a little more difficult to be inconspicuous about whipping out the measuring tape and trying to see how tall the buildings were. But it did make it easier to take pictures of the buildings. Everyone just thought we were taking pictures of the parade. :)

After a couple hours of doing that, we drove down to the outlets and had lunch and then spent another few hours walking around down there. I ended up getting a few new shirts, a new pair of jeans, and some jewelry. Very good day.

Then we went home and helped my brother move a few of his bigger items in our jeep to his new apartment. He's moving from Sandy to Downtown, so now he'll be closer to us. We're excited to have him over for dinner and things. If any of you have single sisters or friends around 23, let us know. :)

Then we went to my parent's house again for dinner and a movie and homemade ice cream. We really love having family so close. It's nice to get together so often.

Overall a very good weekend. And more than anything, I loved being able to spend so much time with Brian. I know it's only going to get busier with school and projects, so I enjoyed every minute with him. It always makes me smile when I look over and realize what a great guy I have and how lucky I am to be able to spend forever with him.

1 comment:

Wolfley Family said...

We loved Brother Knott in the short time we got to know him :) We ran into him and his wife at a movie theater shortly after he was called to the high council and just really enjoyed getting to know them better in a casual setting (waiting in line together...). Tell him hi for us if you think about it :))