Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year for Thanksgiving we spent all day with my family. In past years we tried to make it to both families but it's just gotten too crazy and not very relaxing. So this year we went up with my family to my Grandma Walker's house and had dinner there.

This is my grandma's beautiful table, and me and Nat trying to be inconspicuous.

The food was fabulous as always, and we had a great time just eating and eating and eating. It was a little sad though, because as we've gotten older and everyone has their own things to do, less people come all at the same time and so I didn't get to see more than half of my cousins. Missed you Wendi & Marci! But more food for me. :)
After the big meal, we watched "UP!" and I fell asleep, even though I love that movie. Blame the turkey. Then we played a few games as a family, ate some pie, and then my little family had to head out.
We went over to my other grandma/aunt's house and had pie with them. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures with that side, but it was great to see everyone and just visit.
Then we ended up still just stopping by Brian's parent's house because it wasn't too late, and we had more pie there. I love pumpkin pie! :)
On Friday we went to see "The Blind Side" with my family. Such a good movie! I loved it. We will totally buy that one. Then we went to Brian's parent's and watched Madagascar 2. Pretty funny.
Saturday, Brian had to work, but I went to my parent's house and helped put up my mom's Christmas decorations. My mom hates to do it herself, but loves to have it done. I loved setting everything up like we did when we were all younger. It was great to have my sister and her husband there too. We had a really good time.
Overall, it was a great Thanksgiving.

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