Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Move

Well, I was putting this off because I wanted to be able to post pictures and everything of our new place, but I never remember to steal the camera from Brian's studio and I don't have all the pictures up that I want anyways, so until then, I thought I should let everyone know how the big move went.

On Tuesday November 6th, Brian and I moved into our own apartment. We had loaded up the jeep early that morning to take one load down on the way to school. We checked in and unloaded and then went off to class for the day. After class I drove back up to Bountiful and loaded up the jeep by myself and unloaded it by myself and then picked up Brian and we headed up again. Our families came and help, as well as my friend Heather, and we were able to get practically everything moved that night. Most importantly we got our bed moved so we could sleep in our own place and not have to drive back up to Bountiful that late at night.

The next day, because I could not stand the mess of my new house, I took the day off work to try and unpack and organize. Luckily, my boss was out of town, so it was OK. So I spend the whole day unpacking and got the kitchen and bathroom and some of the bedroom done. This had to be done, because that night we were going to pick up our furniture.

A good friend of my mom's from work, who is also in my parents' stake, ended up being my favorite person ever. She told my mom she was getting new couches, so we could come look and see if we wanted to take her old ones since she knew we were moving. So we went over to check them out and while we were there, she offered us a bookcase, a table, a hutch and a TV! We decorated our apartment for free in one night! It was amazing. We moved everything in that night and it all fits perfectly. Like the apartment was made for this furniture. :)

After a few more nights of organizing and semi decorating, I was so happy to be mostly done. I convinced Brian to put up all my clocks, and then the next task was drapes. That first night we ended up putting sheets over all the windows and I couldn't live with that for very long. So we got drapes for me and rugs for Brian. So not counting all the pictures and plaques I still want to put up, we're all settled in!

The apartment
The apartment is small, I'm not denying that, but for just the two of us, I think it's perfect. And they painted everything before we moved in and the stove and fridge and shower and everything are in really good condition. I was worried it would all be old and moldy and gross, but it's really nice. Nicer than I thought anyway. The one drawback that's hard to get past is the tile floors. In every room. Including the bedroom. Hence the rugs. But it's not hard to get used to. And the builders really utilized the space they had to work with. We have two storage closets, a coat closet, three closets in our room and 16 drawers. We have tons of cupboard space and shelves all over the place. It's great. Everything fits. Well, almost. We have yet to find a good place to store Brian's bike. It's custom designed by him, so it's not really a bike you steal and ride and then dump somewhere, it's one you steal to sell for parts. So he doesn't want to store it in the laundry room like everyone else does, which I understand. We'll figure it out.

The Ward
The first Sunday we went to our ward, we walked in and my best friend growing up was sitting right there with her husband. We lived next door to each other when we were young but had drifted apart a little during high school. She got married a few months after us and I knew she lived in those apartments, but I didn't know where. So that was awesome to know someone. The ward was really welcoming and I already have a good feeling about being here. The second Sunday they had a linger longer after church and we had turkey dinner and the whole she-bang. I didn't think we would stay very long because we didn't know anyone, but we ended up being one of the last people there with our little group around us. It was awesome! I'm excited to become a real part of the ward, because I know we'll be here for a while.

The Commute
The best part of the move, is the fact that it takes me 10-15 minutes to get to work, 10-15 minutes to get home, and 5 minutes to get to school. The shuttle stops right outside our back door, and drops my off right in the middle of where I need to go. It's wonderful. Also, Brian's been able to ride his bike to and from school, though it's getting colder now, so maybe he'll take the shuttle. And he's getting home earlier because he can utilize the hour we spent driving when we were in Bountiful.

So things are going well. We're wrapping up the semester so Brian's getting stressed, but it'll be over soon. I'm done next week because I have no finals. Brian's final presentation is on the 10th, so until then I don't expect to see much of him. But he's doing really good. His grades are based on a 1-5 scale. 5 being the best. On his last two assignments he's gotten 5's and they hung them upstairs on display for a while. I'm so proud of him.

We're both excited for Christmas break because then Brian will have a break and we can spend some more time together and with friends and family. I will post pictures as soon as Brian's done with his projects and he can hang some pictures and plaques for me. :) Promise!


Annie said...

It sounds like your apartment is adorable! I loved my tile and wood floors from our home in WJ. I really miss them, here we have brown carpet and linolium.....uuggg! Oh well we'll buy something soon and then I can hace my floors again. I've missed your posts and I'm 'glad' you're back. Say hi to that nephew of m ine for me. Will you guys be at the family Christmas party? We plan on coming out for it so we'll hopefully see you guys then.

Amy said...

Sounds like you two are having a blast and married life couldn't be better. When I read you blog I miss the days when kevin and I were first married. Hope you have a great break.