Sunday, December 14, 2008

Almost there...

This past week was crazy for Brian. But that's pretty normal for finals week in architecture. He never got home before midnight any night this week. And it got progressively worse. Tuesday - 2 AM, Wednesday - 4 AM, Thursday 6:30 AM. Yeah, and then he had to be back there are 8 every morning, except Friday when they presented. The projects really wear them out. And by Friday they all have bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep, and staring at computer screens all day and night. So then they present and they all look high or something, but luckily their judges are usually architects themselves, so they understand. :) Here are a few pictures of his project.

This is the overall picture. There's a lot that goes into presenting and it takes quite a while to get all together.

They were to design an apartment complex that could cater to all different types of people. Disabled, Single apartments, double, or family.

They worked in teams of two, and this is the unit Brian did. You can't see it very well but they etched bricks on the outside, to scale. So they're pretty tiny, but cool looking.

A lot of detail goes into these models. I think this is 1/16 inch =1 foot scale. So that tall tower is only about 6 inches high, I think. And notice the trees, cars, and people. Yes, they have to cut each one of those out individually. They spent about 6 hours on the laser cutter.

I'm so proud of Brian. He worked really hard and he's still getting over the sleep deprivation. He has two finals on Monday and a smaller simple project due Tuesday, and then he's done! I know he's so excited. He needs a break. But it won't be much of a break, because now he has to really work on his portfolio, & apply to Graduate schools. Everything is due around January 1st, and then we'll find out in March where we're going to be for the next two years. I can't believe we're so close to being done with school. (We still have forever still he's licensed, but still.) One step at a time right?
In other news, 11 days til Christmas! I'm so excited. We had a family party on Friday night, then another one tonight, then Thursday. We may have more in there that I'm not aware of yet, but I love it! We even have half of our shopping already done. That's saying a lot as we usually don't get any done until after finals are totally over and Brian has time to think. We'll try and remember to take pictures at more of these parties. :)
Oh, and it snowed!


Matt and Marci said...

Brian... I wish you luck with the final days of school! You're work looks crazy cool!

Shae said...

Wow! His models look so cool! I bet it takes sooooo much time...I can totally believe it! How fun, though! Hope you guys are having some great holidays!

Cottam Family said...

Tell Brian I like his little trees!