Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Family Pictures

On the 19th, the Walker side of my family got together to take some family pictures. One of my cousins just got home from his mission in July and the next cousin leaves in November. After that, we'll have at least two missionaries out at the same time for, I think, 10 years. That's a long time! So we figured we should grab this opportunity while we had it.

We all met in Bountiful and took a bunch of really cute pics. The photographer's website is www.parryphotography.com. She did a pretty good job though I wished she would've take a bunch more photos. But I guess when you have that many people sometimes it's easier to just take what you can.

I don't have any of the prints yet, but while she was taking individual family pics, we of course took some of our own. We Walkers love taking pics. And there were about ten different cameras going at all times with funny, cute, serious photos being taken. Here are a few of my favorites.

My new favorite picture of Me & Brian
Me & My Grandma Walker
Me & Marci
Me & Nat
Mom, Me, Nat & Dani
Adam & Brian
Traditional Walker Girl Picture

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