Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blood Drive

Yesterday there was a blood drive at our stake center, and Brian signed up to donate. I was pretty surprised because he hates needles and doesn't do so well with blood. But I went with him to support him. (I wanted to donate but couldn't because of personal reasons.)

We got there and Brian told them upfront, "My right arm has easier veins to get into." But they didn't listen. They said his left arm looked just fine. So they strap him in and get him all set up and then poke him. ... And nothing. They wiggled it around and tried to get into the vein... and nothing.

So they had to pull it out, tape him all up and try again on the right arm! (Mind you, this all took about half an hour.) So they strap him in, get him all set up on the right arm and then poke him... and out comes the blood! Was that really so hard?! I was holding his hand, more for me than for him, and I was getting really upset at them when they were wiggling that needle around. He's going to be so bruised. I wish they would just listen to him when he says his right arm is better!

Owell, he donated and he didn't faint and he got lots of juice and treats. :)

Hopefully he'll get that pound of blood back real soon because he's going to be doing a lot of biking this weekend. We're off to St. George! (It's become a Fall Break tradition.) I get to see my sister and cousin (and have dinner with a college friend) and Brian gets to do some major mountain biking before the end of season. :) We're pretty excited.

See you all on the flip side!

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