Monday, January 24, 2011

In a Nutshell

Well January has just flown by. I really don't know where it went. I know it's not over yet, but it is the last week and I don't really know what we've done. Here are the highlights:

  • Brian started his last semester! Hooray!!
  • We babysat our friends kids. (When I say we, I mean me, because Brian was falling asleep an hour into it. Granted, he was getting sick and we didn't know it yet. But still.)
  • I told Brian not to get me sick because he was leaving for New York and then I would be sick and home alone.
  • He didn't listen.
  • For Martin Luther King Day I went and got my eye's examined. Fun huh? But I'm getting some new frames, so that's fun for me.
  • We went to dinner with my best friend and her husband and two kids. So fun.
  • Brian's taking a photography class so he convinced me to let him get a new camera. A fancy camera.
  • Brian left for New York Wednesday at 10:00 PM.
  • I proceeded to not go to bed before midnight each night he was gone. Not a good plan when you're sick.
  • Had a fun night hanging out with my family while Brian was in gone. My sister came into town.
  • Did a lot of cross-stitching and catching up on old TV shows.
  • Realized I do not eat very healthy when Brian's not around. I just don't feel like it's worth the hassle to make something when half of it won't get eaten.
  • Brian came home last night!!!
So yeah, that's pretty much everything we've been up to. I haven't looked at Brian's pictures from his trip yet, but if he took any cool ones I'll be sure to post them. I'm sure they're all of buildings and stuff.

In book news: I am behind. Shocker. I hoped to catch up while Brian was gone, but then I wasn't feeling great. Excuses I know, but still. Hopefully I can catch up this week.

January is just a blah month, as so many people have already pointed out.


Marzipan said...

I'm so "glad" you finally posted!!!! I just got on here wondering if maybe you did so that I could know what's going on in your life....and then you did! Hope February is a little less blah!

Celeste said...

You are so cute! Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that you were sick while Brian was gone but I'm glad that you can enjoy him again. I hope February is a better month for you :)

Heidi said...

I agree on the eating thing. I hate to cook for just me!