Friday, February 4, 2011

I didn't...

This month I didn't...

...clean our bathroom.

...wash the dishes. (Thanks to Brian for doing it so we didn't live in a pile of dirty dishes.)

...go grocery shopping.

...make dinner very often. as much TV.

...get to hang out and do crafts with Marci. on my blog as often as I planned to. (Like when my brother broke his collar bone, just two months before going into the MTC.)

...get to read ANYTHING for fun!

But this month, I DID...

Write 50,000 words in 30 days!


Marzipan said...

That just means that this next month you'll get to do all of those things!! Although, I would still try to get out of the dishes and cleaning if it were me. :)

Marzipan said...

And awesome job on getting 50,000 words! aMaZiNg!