Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mission Miracles

Today at church it was Testimony meeting. Evan was doing pretty good for the most part, though Brian did have to take him out at the end. But that meant I got to listen to a few testimonies without distraction. One brother got up to share his testimony, and he and his wife are leaving for Singapore tomorrow. He talked about how serving a mission brings miracles into your life and the lives of your loved ones. Some people may call these things coincidences, but he chooses to call them miracles.

It got me thinking about my brother serving in Madagascar. He comes home in 25 days! When he left he gave all of the siblings "challenges": Me & Nat - Have babies. Phil - Get married. Dani - Be funny. (I guess that last one is subjective.)

We all laughed at these, knowing that he was just getting into missionary mode and we sent him off. I don't know if Brad knew or not, but Brian and I had been trying to start a family for almost a year. It was a long hard year. After my miscarriage I dreaded every month. So when he gave me that challenge, I laughed, but inside I was banking on some kind of blessing from his mission.

Luckily, it worked! I know everything happens in the Lord's time, but I also know that my baby was a blessing from my brother serving a mission. I have wanted to be a mom for a very long time. And even though I sometimes wonder if I'm doing a very good job, I'm still so happy for the opportunity.

So thank you Brad. When you get home I'll not only have a big hug for you, but my son will give you a high five, too.

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