Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Beginning of the cold...

We had our first snow of the year this past weekend. If you can really call it that. We've had a bunch of rain and sleet and finally, Saturday morning, it started to snow just a little. About 1/4 inch at our house and 1/2 at my parents house in Sandy. Nothing too big, but for some reason, this little bit of snow makes drivers freak out. So I was happy as I was driving the opposite direction of everyone else to go to the Relief Society General Conference.

I drove down to Sandy to go with my mom to her stake center. It was really nice to spend that time with her and then my family after. The conference was great and I'm excited to read it in the Ensign. After, I went to their house and watched the rest of the BYU game with my parents. I know I never went there, but sometimes, that's still where my allegiance lies. That same day though, it was the U's Homecoming game against USU. Also a win-win situation for me, because I've attended both schools, so whoever won, I could be happy about it. USU stinks though, so it was no surprise that the U won.

Brian spent the whole day and most of the night Saturday at the Architecture building. He has a final project due this week, (tomorrow actually) so he's been working hard on it. I'll be posting pictures of it when he's done, because it's very impressive. His models are always one of the best and biggest. But this means he spends his whole life at that building. I just keep pumping him full of Vitamin C. (Poly C pills which my dad swears by. He hasn't had a cold in almost 3 years because he takes them all the time.) If I can just get him through this week, he can catch up on all the sleep he's lost, next week. It's Fall Break!! Woohoo!

I'm doing alright. Just plugging along. I'm excited for next week too though, as we will be able to sleep in, some of the days, and also start moving our stuff out of my grandparents house. We took all that time to move it out of our parents' houses and now we have to move it back. Brian's parents have a couple empty rooms with Brian moved out and his brother on a mission, so they've been nice enough to let us store things there, while we're living in our tiny apartment.

Something else I'm excited for, in a couple weeks, is my Girls Weekend! My little sister Dani has been missing her two older sisters terribly, as we both got married this year and left her as the only girl with two brothers. So my mom decided we needed some girl time. We're going to drive down to Fillmore, to meet Nat half way, and spend the weekend in a hotel and go do a bunch of girly stuff, with no boys allowed. I think it'll be way fun. What makes it even better is that it's all on Mom. :) Just kidding. We haven't even been yet and I'm already thinking it should be an annual trip.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hey Melissa. I'm so GLAD you looked at our blog. I think it's the neatest idea. Now we can keep up with you and Brian also. and yes I think I might be on the upswing. Thanks for caring.