Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bear Lake & St. George

So here's a short report of happenings lately. The last weekend in June we went up to Bear Lake with the Walker side. The days were a little different this year. Usually we go up on a Thursday night and stay til Sunday morning. This year we went up on a Friday night and stayed until Tuesday morning. However, we had to leave Monday afternoon because I had a Spanish test that night that I had to be back for. Yet another reason why I dislike Spanish right now. But the vacation was fun and much needed. We went swimming in the pool and did our 10 mile bike ride together. We made sure to put on plenty of sunscreen so no sunburns occurred. Brian fries in about 2 seconds so he helps remind me.

Most of the family went to church on Sunday and then we had a nice relaxing day just hanging out together. Oddly enough, we didn't even get on the boat this year. Last year Brian attempted water skiing and almost froze to death. Not really but it wasn't enjoyable to him. And I've been in the lake almost every summer of my life. I've learned by now how cold it is. :)

The weather was awesome and we had such a good time. Just as we were leaving on Monday it started to get a little cloudy. So we timed it perfectly. It was still a bummer to come back to real life though.

Thankfully, I only had to work one day that week, because Friday was the 4th. We went down to St. George with my mom and Brad & Dani to see Nat & Adam. They couldn't make it to Bear Lake this year so we had to visit them. We drove down Thursday night and saw Hancock. Then we stayed up way too late playing Nertz and chatting.

The next morning we did water balloons with Adam's family and then went to lunch at Cafe Rio. Then the girls went shopping while the boys went to look at bikes. They joined us later and I ended up spending way too much money. I got 5 new shirts, a new skirt and a dress and some shoes. I love shopping at the outlets. And I hardly ever go shopping because I don't have time right now and I'm too cheap. But it helps to go with my sisters and mom because they help me try on things I never would if I were by myself.

That night we went to the park by the stadium and watched the fireworks. It was a blast.

Saturday we went shopping again in the morning, just the girls, and then we met up with the guys at lunch. After lunch the guys went back with Dani to go swimming and me and Nat & my mom went to get massages, which my mom bought for us. It was wonderful!
That night we just chilled & watched a movie and stayed up late playing cards again.

On Sunday we went to church with Nat & Adam and go to see Adam teach. He's an awesome teacher. Then we had dinner & learned a new card game, and then we had to head home.

The trip was too short, but that's life. I was lazy and didn't take any pictures of either trip but I think sometimes it's worth it to just enjoy being with the people you're with.

It was really nice to have those two short vacations to kind of break up my summer. Sadly summer's already half over, but that means school is even closer to being done. Only a couple more weeks and I'll be done forever!!! Woohoo!

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NNA said...
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