Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quick Post

So, this past weekend was a blast at my family reunion. I have a few pictures and am waiting on some from my mother, so I'll post about that later. But I thought, since I'm bored at work, that I'd give a quick update on other things in our life.

First, I was called a couple weeks ago to be a Gospel Doctrine teacher in our ward. When the bishop asked me, I almost started to cry. This is the most terrifying calling to me. He assured me that he thinks I will do really well. Gratefully, he also has told the Sunday School president not to put me in the teaching rotation until after I'm done with school. This is a huge blessing because I just don't think I could do both right now. Brian seems to think that teasing me and making me more nervous about teaching is the way to help me. Not! I told him that because he's been such a smart-alec he has to sit on the front row and answer every question if there's more than a five second pause after I ask a question. :) My mom thinks this calling is pay back because I told her she had to learn to love her Young Women's calling before they're release her. We'll see how it goes. I really am just so scared it makes me sick.

And here's the schedule for my last week of school:

Tonight: Spanish test, Spanish Composition due, Spanish redo test due
(The teacher informed us all last week that we had all pretty much failed the last test, because we all answered the question one way, but he was asking for a different way. This makes no sense to any of us. Doesn't it stand to reason that if we ALL failed, not just some or a few, that it means he's the bad teacher and not us? Anyway, we got the chance to redo the test at home, but we were only given two days, at the same time we had to write a composition, and study for the next test. I HATE this teacher.)

Monday: Possibly Spanish presentation (which I haven't started, and has to be memorized, for 10 minutes. That is this weekend's major goal.)

Tuesday: Final paper due for one English class, (shouldn't be too awful.) Final project due for other English class, (also, shouldn't be too awful) and final exam in one English class (this I'm freaking out about because it's a Modernist poetry class and I have no idea. I guess I'll just wing it.) And Spanish presentation if I didn't go on Monday.

Wednesday: Last day of Spanish, if there's any presentations left to do.

Thursday: Last English final, which I'm not too worried about.

Then I'M DONE!!!!

I can't believe I only have about 5 more days of school. I'm still freaking out though, because I'm really worried that I won't pass Spanish. I do not want to have to take it over again. And my whole class agrees that this teacher is an idiot. Not that he doesn't know what he's teaching, he just doesn't realize what level we're at. He's asking us to analyze and writes essay responses on tests when we're still trying to understand basic grammar. It drives me crazy. I end up crying every night because of the stress. (I just realized that I must sound like the biggest baby on here, because I cry so much. I promise, I really do not cry all the time, I'm just overly stressed right now.) Anyway, Brian's been a big help. We've stayed up late the past two nights just trying to get my Spanish homework done and done well so I can have a better chance at passing.

I'm already planning what I'm doing the minute I get out of my last class. Brian's picking me up, and we're driving to Park City, where we'll have lunch and go shopping for as long as I want. Then we'll come home, go out to dinner at the new Red Robin they just built by us, and then go to a movie, or rent a movie, and just relax and stay up as late as I want. Well, probably not too late because it's a Thursday and Brian still has work the next day. I may or may not be working on that Friday, and I am treating myself to a day of pampering. I'm getting a Mani/pedi, and maybe a new hair do. And then again, just chilling at home, with about a bazillion new books I'm going to buy or check out from the library, and just start reading until I can't see anymore. I'm SO excited, can you tell? It's a good thing I get paid on that Thursday or else I wouldn't be able to celebrate at all and that would be totally lame.

So yeah, I'll post pics later, maybe even tonight, and write more about the reunion then.


(K, I just realized that I didn't post anything about Brian. :( Sorry Brian. I'm so self-focused right now.

Brian is doing well. Still just working at the bike shop. He is currently selling both of his bikes. He took his new one on one ride and decided he didn't like it. It's not what he wanted. So both are up on eBay right now. (Look under Trek Fuel EX 8 or Specialized Pitch if you're interested.) We're constantly checking both of them to see if he gets the amount he wants. It looks pretty good so far. My only concern was if we'd get enough to pay off the credit card, which we have, and any amount over that is Brian's to spend on his new bike. He has been really worried about spending so much on a bike, but I really want him to have a bike he likes. You know how some people get depressed in the winter because there's no sun? Well, Brian gets depressed when he can't ride his bike. It's his outlet for stress. When he can't ride he's just not as happy. So him getting a bike is not just a material thing. It's essential to our marriage. Well, that's kind of exaggerating. I'm sure he would figure out another way if he couldn't have a bike, but I want him to be happy.

Other than that he's doing well. Being an awesome husband by keeping the house clean and doing the dishes and laundry because I'm never home. Just one more week, babe! We can do it!)

1 comment:

Roods said...

You are so close to being done. You can do it. It sounds like you have a fun celebration planned. You deserve it after all of your hard work!