Friday, August 8, 2008

Mini Update

Sorry that I've put off posting about my graduation. To put it simply, I don't want to jinx it. I find out my final grades on the 12th, so I'll know for sure then, and then I'll post about my excitement and what I did to celebrate.

Things are going well though, and Brian & I are currently staying at my parent's house to watch my younger siblings while my mom & dad are in Canada.

The big news of the weekend though is that my best friend, Val, is now a Mom!! She had her baby yesterday morning, and she is a superwoman. We went and visited them last night & their baby is the cutest little thing. So tiny. His name is Joseph Matthew Goms & I already love him to death. We're going to visit them again when she gets home, (Saturday), so I'll take some pictures then & post them.

Like I said, I'll post about graduation sometime next week. Love you all!!

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