Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm such a slacker. I didn't take any pictures this year. But I guess that's OK, because we didn't really have time to come up with any great costumes. Next year I'll do better.

On the 25th, we attended the annual Walker Halloween party. There was good food as always, and fun games. We had the licorice contest, and cat races, the pumpkin weight guesses, and the "carving pumpkins" without looking contest, (which I won!). And last but not least, we had the Halloween story. It's a tangent story where everyone contributes a little section of the story with a prop they choose. My cousin Wendi always starts it and I always tie it up in the end. (That's what you get when the family knows you like to write creative stories.) It was fun as usual. And it was my Grandma Walker's birthday. Happy Birthday!!

On the 30th, we attended our Ward Halloween party. We went as Beauty & the Biker. I threw on an old dance dress, and wore my tiara and every piece of diamond jewelry, real or fake, that I own. Brian put on his heavy duty biking gear. Body armor, shin guards, gloves, helmet, shorts, etc. They had a cornbread and chili cook off, and everything tasted great. There was a doughnut eating contest and a pumpkin carving contest as well. We didn't get to stay very long though because Brian had to get back to school to work on projects. But we had a good time seeing everyone else's costumes.

On Halloween, we stopped by the Glads for dinner and candy, then headed to my Grandma Barlow's for some more food and candy. Nat & Adam were up for the weekend because they had a niece being blessed, and my cousin Matt & his wife Kristen were in from Michigan for Clark's baby's blessing as well. It was so fun to be able to just get together with everyone and catch up.


Trina said...

Sounds like you guys got to spend a lot of time with family. It's great to have those traditions. I'm glad you had fun at the ward party.

Matt and Marci said...

I'm happy to see that you finally updated! Your new hair cut really is cute and I'm glad we got to at least go to dinner with you guys one night while you were down here! I am sad that I missed the halloween party, but I'm trying to at least carry on the traditions down here in St. George! I heard it's getting so cold up north and I just got a text from my mom and it's snowing! Crazy...but I'm excited to come up for Thanksgiving!